Bombardment of The Taku Forts

Silver Commemorative Badge



Item number: M226

Year: AD 1901

Material: Silver

Size: 33.0 x 33.0 mm

Weight: 44.25 g (with box)

Provenance: Künker 2024

This is a silver commemorative badge marking the participation of ships from the German East Asia Squadron in the capture of the strategic Taku Forts during the Boxer Rebellion in AD 1900.

The obverse side of the badge features a beaded circle along the edge, with the German inscription “BOMBARDEMENT DER / TAKU-FORTS 1900” at the top and bottom, meaning “Bombardment of the Taku Forts 1900.” The central design presents an aerial view of the distribution and names of the various Taku Forts, as well as the Allied fleet sailing on the Peiho River (“PEIHO FLUSS”). The fleet is depicted with four Chinese torpedo boats in the foreground, ironically all German-made.

The Taku Forts were a strategic gateway to Tianjin and Beijing. From June 16 to 17, AD 1900, the Allied forces engaged in fierce combat with the garrisoned troops to gain access to Tianjin. After suffering 172 casualties, the Allies successfully captured the forts, maintaining control until the end of the Boxer Rebellion.

The reverse side of the badge also features a beaded circle. In the centre, there is a silhouette of the gunboat “S.M.S. Iltis,” with its name inscribed at the top “S.M.S. ILTIS KANONENBOOT.” The lower right corner bears the inscription “OERTEL BERLIN,” indicating the name of the engraver, Otto Oertel, and his Berlin workshop.

Launched in AD 1898, the Iltis was commissioned into the German East Asia Squadron stationed in China. During the Boxer Rebellion, the Iltis operated under the command of Field Marshal von Waldersee, assisting German military efforts along with other squadron vessels. On September 28, AD 1914, as World War I erupted and the home port of Qingdao faced siege by Anglo-Japanese forces, the crew of the Iltis chose to scuttle the ship to avoid capture.

物件編號: M226

年代: 公元 1901 年


尺寸: 33.0 x 33.0 mm

重量: 44.25 g (含盒)

來源: 昆克 2024


徽章正面的周圍有一道珠圈,上下緣的德文「BOMBARDEMENT DER / TAKU-FORTS 1900」意思是「砲擊大沽口要塞1900」。獎章中間以俯瞰的視角展現大沽口各要塞的分布位置和名稱,以及駛於白河「PEIHO FLUSS」河面上的聯軍艦隊,艦隊前方還依稀標示四艘清軍魚雷艇,諷刺的是魚雷艇皆為德國製造。大沽口要塞是扼守天津和北京的門戶,公元1900年6月16至17日,聯軍為進入天津跟要塞駐軍展開激烈交戰,聯軍付出172人傷亡後成功控制要塞,直到八國聯軍之役落幕為止。

徽章背面亦有一道珠圈,中間是有參與此次戰役的「雞貂號」炮艦剪影,上緣即是鐫刻船名「S.M.S.ILTIS KANONENBOOT」。獎章右下角「OERTEL BERLIN」是雕刻師奧托·奧特爾的名字和柏林工作室。公元1898年,雞貂號下水後編入德國位於中國的東亞分艦隊服役。八國聯軍戰役期間,雞貂號聽命於德軍元帥瓦德西指揮,偕同分艦隊其他同僚協助德軍作戰。公元1914年9月28日,面對第一次世界大戰爆發,母港青島遭到英日聯軍的包圍,雞貂號的船員選擇自鑿艦艇拒絕俘虜的命運。

類似/相同物件 請看:

英國 格林威治皇家博物館 Royal Museums Greenwich

澳洲 澳大利亞戰爭紀念館 The Australian War Memorial


Lynn E. Bodin, The Boxer Rebellion (London: Osprey Publishing, 1979)

Peter Harrington, Peking 1900: The Boxer Rebellion (Oxford: Osprey Publishing, 2001)

Jan Kocvar, “Germany and the Boxer Uprising in China,” West Bohemian Historical Review, 2015, pp. 121-167


