Principality of Moldavia

King Ilias I

Silver Gros




Item number: A387

Year: AD 1432-1442

Material: Silver

Size: 19.7 x 19.6 x 0.6 mm

Weight: 1.2 g

Provenance: Noonans 2022

This item is a silver gros minted in Moldova during the reign of King Ilias I (AD 1432-1442). On the obverse, it depicts the head of an aurochs with a five-pointed star between its horns, and a crescent is visible to the left of the head. The outer circle is adorned with a beaded border, and although there are legends present, they are currently illegible. On the reverse, there is a shield with an M-like tamgha symbol, topped with a cross. Similar to the obverse, the outer circle features a beaded border with legends that are indistinguishable.

The aurochs displayed on the obverse is deeply related to the legend of Moldova. The foundation myth of Moldova revolves around Dragos Vodă, who, according to legend, led 300 of his people on a hunting expedition from Maramureș across the Carpathian Mountains. During their pursuit of an aurochs, Dragos’ favorite hunting dog, named Molda, chased the animal to the riverbank. The aurochs and Molda tragically drowned in the river, leading Dragos to name the river Moldova in honor of his faithful dog. The coat of arms of the principality also featured the head of the aurochs.

King Ilias I, son of Alexandru cel Bun and Moldavian noblewoman Ana Neacșa, ruled as Prince of Moldavia from January 1, AD 1432, until November AD 1433. In AD 1433, Ilias acknowledged his vassalage to Władysław II Jagiełło, the King of Poland, through marriage to Maria of the Olshanski family. Despite this alliance, Ilias faced a rebellion from his brother Stephen and local boyars, supported by Vlad II Dracul of Wallachia, resulting in his dethronement. Seeking aid from Władysław II, Ilias was initially defeated but later freed with Polish support. Following an inconclusive battle in AD 1435, a compromise was reached with Stephen sharing rule over Moldavia, while Ilias paid tribute to Poland and conceded territories.

Moldova, a landlocked country in northeastern Europe with Chișinău as its capital, was historically part of the Romanian principality of Moldavia until AD 1812 when it was annexed by Russia. It briefly rejoined Romania after World War I but was reincorporated into the Soviet Union in 1940. Moldova declared independence in AD 1991 upon the dissolution of the Soviet Union, reclaiming its name and distinct identity.

物件編號: A387

年代: 公元 1432-1442年


尺寸: 19.7 x 19.6 x 0.6 mm

重量: 1.2 g

來源: 諾南斯 2022


正面的野牛與摩爾多瓦的傳說緊密相連。摩爾多瓦的建國傳說圍繞著德拉戈什·沃達(Dragos Vodă)展開,據傳他率領300人從馬拉穆列什穿越喀爾巴阡山脈進行狩獵。在追逐野牛的過程中,德拉戈什最喜愛的名為莫爾達(Molda)獵犬,追逐動物到了河邊。不幸的是,野牛和莫爾達在河中淹死,這促使德拉戈什以他忠實的狗命名該河為莫爾多瓦河。該國家的紋章也以野牛的頭部為特色。

伊利亞斯一世是亞歷山德魯·切爾·布恩(Alexandru cel Bun)和摩爾多瓦貴族安娜·內亞克薩(Ana Neacșa)的兒子,自公元1432年1月1日至公元1433年11月間擔任摩爾多瓦的君主。公元1433年,伊利亞斯通過與奧爾沙斯基家族的瑪麗亞(Maria)結婚,並承認自己是波蘭國王弗拉基斯拉夫二世·亞盖隆(Władysław II Jagiełło)的臣屬。儘管與波蘭結盟,伊利亞斯仍然面臨了來自弟弟史蒂芬(Stephen)和當地貴族的叛亂,此場叛亂得到了瓦拉幾亞的弗拉德·德拉克爾(Vlad II Dracul)的支持。尋求弗拉基斯拉夫二世的幫助的伊利亞斯最初被打敗,但後來在波蘭的支持下被釋放。公元1435年,一場未定的戰鬥後,史蒂芬和伊利亞斯達成了妥協,共同統治摩爾達維亞,而伊利亞斯則向波蘭支付貢品並割讓領土。


類似/相同物件 請看:

英國 菲茨威廉博物館 The Fitzwilliam Museum

摩爾多瓦 國立歷史博物館 The National Museum of History of Moldova



Romanian coins. Half gros type IV- Ilias I

Britannica. Moldova
