Netherlands East Indies Gold ½ Rupee

Kingdom of Holland



Item number: A326

Year: AD 1807

Material: Gold

Size: 17.3 x 17.3 mm

Provenance: Heritage Auctions 2024

This item is a gold ½ rupee from the Netherlands East Indies, minted at Batavia, in AD 1807. The obverse of the coin features Arabic inscriptions and the minting year, AD 1807, with the ‘z’ below indicating the mint master J. A. Zwekkert. On the reverse side, there are also Arabic inscriptions displayed. Although the Netherlands fell under the control of Napoleon Bonaparte in AD 1806, it was not until AD 1808 that the French produced coinage reflecting their authority. Therefore, this coin, minted in AD 1807, still follows the design of the preceding period, the Batavian Republic.

The Dutch East Indies, now Indonesia, was a colony of the Netherlands until December AD 1949. It originated from the nationalized trading posts of the Dutch East India Company, which came under Dutch government administration in AD 1800.

Before AD 1795, the Netherlands was a republic comprising a federation of seven autonomous provinces. During the French occupation, the Dutch Republic was reorganized into the Batavian Republic (AD 1795-1806). In AD 1806, under Imperial French domination, Emperor Napoleon I appointed his brother Louis Bonaparte to the Dutch throne, renaming the Netherlands as the Kingdom of Holland. Louis Bonaparte’s four-year reign marked a unique period in Dutch history; despite being a foreign ruler, he endeavored to promote Dutch interests, defying his brother’s directives and gaining the respect, though not complete affection, of his subjects. His rule facilitated the reconciliation among former Orangists, republicans, and Patriots, who collaborated in his government amid the dominance of the Napoleonic empire. King Louis’s prioritization of Dutch interests over French directives ultimately resulted in Napoleon’s decision to depose him in AD 1810 and annex Holland into the French Empire.

物件編號: A326

年代: 公元 1807年


尺寸: 17.3 x 17.3 mm

來源: 海瑞得拍賣行 2024

這件物品是荷屬東印度於公元1807年在巴達維亞鑄造的金製半盧比。硬幣的正面刻有阿拉伯文銘文和鑄造年份公元1807年,年份下方的字母「z」代表鑄幣主管傑·阿·茲韋克特 (J. A. Zwekkert)。硬幣的反面同樣刻有阿拉伯文銘文。雖然荷蘭於公元1806年被拿破崙·波拿巴統治,但直到公元1808年法國才開始鑄造反映其權威的貨幣。因此,這枚公元1807年鑄造的硬幣仍然延續了前一時期,即巴達維亞共和國的設計。


公元1795年之前,荷蘭是一個由七個自治省組成的共和國。在法國佔領期間,荷蘭共和國改組為巴達維亞共和國(公元1795-1806年)。公元1806年,在法蘭西第一帝國的統治下,拿破崙一世任命其兄路易·波拿巴為荷蘭國王,並將荷蘭更名為荷蘭王國(Kingdom of Holland)。路易·波拿巴的四年統治標誌著荷蘭歷史上的獨特時期;儘管是外來統治者,他致力於捍衛荷蘭利益,違抗其兄的指令,贏得臣民的尊重,雖然並非完全的愛戴。他的統治促進了前奧蘭治黨人、共和派和愛國者的和解,在拿破崙帝國主導的時期,他們共同參與政府合作。路易國王將荷蘭利益置於法國指令之上的做法最終導致拿破崙在公元1810年罷黜他,並將荷蘭納入法蘭西第一帝國。

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美國 伊利諾大學厄巴納-香檳分校 斯珀洛克博物館Spurlock Museum, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

英國 大英博物館 The British Museum


Sir John A. S. Bucknill, The Coins of the Dutch East Indies: An Introduction to the Study of the Series, 1931

Britannica. The period of French dominance (1795–1813)
