Cambodia Kingdom

Ang Duong

½ Fuang



½ 福昂

Item number: A310

Year: AD 1850-1860

Material: Silver

Size: 15.5 x 15.5 x 1.0 / 13.1 x 12.7 x 1.3 mm

Weight: 1.9 / 1.5 g

Provenance: Noonans 2022

This is a set with forty ½ Fuang silver coins machine-minted under King Ang Duong, the last independent monarch of Cambodia, prior to the country becoming a French protectorate in AD 1867. This silver coin is an example of a uniface coin, a numismatic term referring to a coin that is completely blank on one side.

This silver coin features the depiction of “Hamsa,” a divine bird from Hindu mythology known as the mount of the gods. Cambodia has been deeply influenced by Hindu culture since the medieval period, with the famous Angkor Wat being a prominent example of this heritage. The coin represents the divine bird “Hamsa” with an image of a rooster, accompanied by a windmill-patterned design on its left side.

King Ang Duong was the last monarch of Cambodia’s Oudong period, a dark era in the country’s history during which it became a vassal state caught between the two Southeast Asian powers of Siam and Vietnam. In AD 1840, faced with increasing Vietnamese incursions, Prince Ang Duong led a seven-year resistance effort. With Siamese support, he eventually defeated the Vietnamese in AD 1848 and was crowned King of Cambodia.

During his reign, King Ang Duong worked to develop the country’s culture and economy. In AD 1850, he introduced mechanical minting technology and established a mint in the capital to produce coins in gold, silver, and copper. To safeguard against future Vietnamese threats, he sought to establish connections with European powers such as Britain and France. Ang Duong’s correspondence with Napoleon III of France provided a pretext for France to later establish Cambodia as a protectorate.

物件編號: A310

年代: 公元 1850-1860 年


尺寸: 15.5 x 15.5 x 1.0 / 13.1 x 12.7 x 1.3 mm

重量: 1.9 / 1.5 g

來源: 諾南斯 2022

這是一組柬埔寨在公元1867年成為法國保護國之前,最後一任獨立自主的國王安東以機器鑄造的 ½ 福昂銀幣總計有40枚。這枚銀幣為光面的錢幣,「光面」是錢幣學的專有名詞,指涉其中一面完全沒有任何裝飾的錢幣。



類似/相同物件 請看:

英國 大英博物館 The British Museum

美國 錢幣學會 American Numismatic Society

