Republic of Lithuania

10 Litu Silver Coin


10 立特銀幣

Item number: A344

Year: AD 1936

Material: Silver

Size: 32.1 x 32.1 x 2.4 mm

Weight: 18.05 g

Manufactured by: Lithuanian Mint

Provenance: Fuchin Coin 2024

This is a silver coin issued by the Republic of Lithuania in AD 1936, with a face value of 10 litu.

The obverse side features the coat of arms of Lithuania with the Lithuanian inscription “LIETUVA 1936” below, meaning Lithuania and the year of minting.

The reverse side depicts a left-facing portrait of Vytautas the Great, the ruler of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, with his title “VYTAUTAS DIDYSIS” inscribed in Lithuanian around the perimeter and the denomination “10 DEŠIMTS LITŲ 10” below.

Coat Of Arms Of Lithuania:
The coat of arms of Lithuania features an armed knight on horseback holding a silver sword aloft, also known as the “Vytis.” This image first appeared in AD 1366 when rulers of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania began using a depiction of themselves on horseback as a seal.

The edge of the coin bears the Lithuanian inscription “ TAUTOS JĖGA VIENYBĖJE,” which translates to “Nation’s strength in unity.”

This coin was minted during the period of the Republic of Lithuania from AD 1918 to AD 1940, when the litas served as the country’s official currency.

In AD 1925, Lithuania introduced silver coins in denominations of 1 litas, 2 litu, and 5 litai, outsourcing their minting to the Royal Mint of the United Kingdom. In AD 1936, Lithuania established its own mint and introduced a new coin with a denomination of 10 litu, alongside redesigned 5 litai and 10 litu coins featuring portraits.

It is noteworthy that only the newly designed 5 litai coin of AD 1936 bears the mint mark of the sculptor Juozas Zikaras. These coins continued to be used until AD 1941, when Lithuania was annexed by the Soviet Union. At that time, the litas was replaced by the rouble, and its circulation was prohibited.

Vytautas the Great, reigning from AD 1392 to AD 1430, is regarded as one of the greatest rulers of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and a national hero. During his reign, he expanded Lithuania’s territories, implemented internal reforms, and engaged in diplomacy with states such as the Kingdom of Poland and the Grand Duchy of Moscow. These actions enhanced Lithuania’s geopolitical influence. Vytautas’ efforts consolidated Lithuanian national and cultural identity, laying the groundwork for subsequent nationalist movements.

物件編號: A344

年代: 公元 1936 年


尺寸: 32.1 x 32.1 x 2.4 mm

重量: 18.05 g

製造地: 立陶宛造幣廠

來源: 福君錢幣 2024


硬幣正面刻有立陶宛國徽,國徽下方刻有立陶宛文的銘文「LIETUVA 1936」,意思是立陶宛,以及此枚錢幣鑄造的年份。背面以立陶宛文刻有立陶宛大公國的大公維陶塔斯大帝面向左側,頭戴王冠,身著華服的肖像,周圍以立陶宛文刻有他的名字「 VYTAUTAS DIDYSIS 」,下方則為此枚硬幣的面額「10 DEŠIMTS LITŲ 10」。 


硬幣的幣邊則鑄有立陶宛銘文「 TAUTOS JĖGA VIENYBĖJE」,意思是國家團結就是力量。 



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