Qing Dynasty,

Guangxu Yuanbao,

10 Cash, Tsing-Kiang

(Small Circle & Flying Dragon Version)

清 光緒元寶

十文 清江造


Item number: A447

Year: AD 1905-1906

Material: Copper

Size: 27.8 x 27.8 x 1.4 mm

Weight: 6.9 g

Manufactured by: Tsing-Kiang Copper Coin Bureau, Huai’an


1. Noonans 2022

2. D. L. F. Sealy Collection

This is a Guangxu Yuanbao coin minted between the 31st and 32nd years of Guangxu’s reign (AD 1905-AD 1906) by the “Tsing-Kiang Copper Coin Bureau,” organised by the Governor-General in charge of transportation, Lu Yuanding. It is the only mint not named after a province or administrative region. Although the Tsing-Kiang Copper Coin Bureau existed for less than a year, it produced over 740 million coins in at least 36 different varieties.

The coin’s obverse features a beaded circle, within which is a right-facing flying dragon with its left front claw holding a dragon pearl. On either side of the outer edge, there is a four-petalled flower serving as a delimiter. The top edge bears the inscription “TSING-KIANG” in English, while the bottom edge displays the denomination “TEN CASH.” The dragon motif on the obverse comes in two versions: “Water Dragon” and “Flying Dragon.” This coin belongs to the latter version.

The reverse side of the coin features a beaded circle, categorised into three sizes: big, medium, and small, with this coin being the “small circle” version. Within the beaded rim, there are the four characters “Guangxu Yuanbao” written in regular script, along with a six-petal flower motif. On the outer periphery, the characters “Tsing Kiang” appear on both the left and right sides. The top edge bears the inscription “Guangxu Yuanbao” in Manchu script, while the bottom edge indicates the denomination as “Ten Cash.”

The Tsing-Kiang Copper Coin Bureau was in Huai’an City, Jiangsu Province. Since the Sui Dynasty, when the Grand Canal connecting the north and south was excavated, Huai’an became an important commercial hub. Following the Ming Dynasty’s system, the Qing Dynasty dispatched a Grand Canal Governor to oversee related affairs in the area, responsible for warehouses, shipping, shipbuilding, and other businesses.

In May of the 30th year of the Guangxu reign (AD 1904), Governor Lu Yuanding submitted a report reflecting the lack of currency in the area affecting commercial transactions. The request to establish a mint in the area was approved by the court. In February of the following year, with the successful installation of British machinery imported through Shanghai, the establishment of the “Tsing-Kiang Copper Coin Bureau” was officially announced.

However, in September of the 32nd year of the Guangxu reign (AD 1906), due to the collapse in prices caused by various provinces casting copper coins, the court requested the merger of the Tsing-Kiang Bureau into the Kiang-Nan Bureau in Nanjing, thus marking the end of its history.

物件編號: A447

年代: 公元 1905-1906 年

材料: 紅銅

尺寸: 27.8 x 27.8 x 1.4 mm

重量: 6.9 g

製造地: 清江銅元局,淮安


1. 諾南斯 2022

2. 大衛.萊斯利.福布斯.西利舊藏


錢幣正面有一道珠圈,中央是一隻向右擺首的飛龍,其左前爪握著一顆龍珠。外圍的左右兩側各有一個四瓣花作為分界線,上緣以英文標示「清江」(TSING-KIANG),下緣則是面額「十文」(TEN CASH)。正面的龍圖騰有「水龍」和「飛龍」兩種版本,該錢幣為後者。


清江銅元局位於江蘇省淮安市,自隋朝開鑿連通南北的大運河後,淮安就成為重要的商業集散地。清朝沿襲明朝的舊例,於當地派遣漕運總督掌管相關業務,主責倉儲、航運和造船等業務。光緒30年(公元1904年) 5月,擔任總督的陸元鼎上奏反映當地缺乏貨幣影響商業來往,獲得朝廷批准在當地設立造幣廠。隔年2月,透過上海洋行進口的英國機器順利安裝,正式宣告「清江銅元局」成立。不過在光緒32年(公元1906年) 9月,由於各省相繼鑄造銅元導致價格崩跌,朝廷要求清江局整併入南京的江寧局就此走入歷史。

類似/相同物件 請看:

中國 國家博物館 National Museum of China


中國 上海博物館 Shanghai Museum



周沁園、李平文 編,《中國機制銅元目錄》(上海:上海科學技術出版社,2021)






