Sumatra Aceh Sultanate

Sultan Alauddin Kahar

1 Gold Kupang Type II

蘇門答臘 亞齊蘇丹國


1古邦金幣 (第二版)

Item number: A318

Year: AD 1537-1571

Material: Gold

Size: 10.9 x 10.9 mm

Provenance: Heritage Auctions 2024

This object is a gold coin minted and issued during the reign of Sultan Alauddin Kahar, the third Sultan of the Sultanate of Aceh Darussalam in Sumatra, Indonesia, from AD 1537 to AD 1571. It carries the weight of 1 Kupang.

The obverse of this coin features three lines of Arabic inscription which read “الطاهير ابن علي مالک علاوالدین “, translating to “Alauddin, son of Ali Malik the pious.” The perimeter of the coin is adorned with decorative beads. On the reverse side, there are two lines of Arabic inscription reading “السلطان العادل”, meaning “The Just Sultan.” The outer rim of the coin is similarly embellished with small beads.

Kupang: The “Kupang” was an ancient unit of measurement for gold, approximately equivalent to 0.6 grams. The use of this weight unit can be traced back to the 11th centuries in port areas along the Southeast Asian coast, indicating its connection to international trade. It was commonly employed during the Portuguese and Dutch colonial periods for transactions involving spices and other valuable commodities. With the Dutch colonial period and the influence of European trade on local currencies, this unit gradually became supplanted by Western currencies.

Alauddin Ri’ayat Syah al-Kahar, the third Sultan of the Aceh Sultanate, reigned from AD 1537 to AD 1571. He was the second son of Sultan Ali Mughayat, the founder of the Aceh Sultanate, and the younger brother of the second Sultan, Salahuddin. Due to his brother’s ineffective rule, Alauddin Ri’ayat Syah al-Kahar deposed him and assumed the throne as the third Sultan. During his reign, he actively engaged in military campaigns against the Aru Kingdom in Sumatra, and he dispatched envoys to the Ottoman Empire to establish strategic relations. Additionally, he frequently clashed with the Portuguese in Malacca in an attempt to seize this crucial trading hub. These actions laid a solid foundation for the expansion of Aceh’s power and influence.

The Sultanate of Aceh was an Islamic powerhouse that ruled over the Aceh region of Sumatra, Indonesia, from the 15th to the 19th centuries. Its capital was Kutaraja (present-day Banda Aceh). Situated at the northern tip of the island of Sumatra in Indonesia, the kingdom was one of the most influential sultanates in Southeast Asia. It was renowned for its strategic location along major trade routes and its influence in spreading Islam throughout the region.

The Sultanate of Aceh reached its zenith in the 16th and 17th centuries, becoming a significant maritime and commercial power that controlled the trade routes between the Indian Ocean and the Strait of Malacca.

One of the most notable aspects of the Sultanate of Aceh was its steadfast resistance against European expansion. Aceh successfully repelled attempts by Portugal and the Netherlands to conquer the region, gaining renown for its formidable military prowess.

The decline of the Sultanate of Aceh began in the late 17th centuries, attributed to factors such as internal conflicts, external pressure from the Dutch East India Company, and competition with other regional powers. In AD 1873, the Netherlands initiated the Aceh War with the aim of conquering Aceh and establishing colonial rule in the region. The war lasted for several decades, culminating in Aceh’s conquest by the Dutch in AD 1903.

物件編號: A318

年代: 公元 1537-1571 年

材料: 黃金

尺寸: 10.9 x 10.9 mm

來源: 海瑞德拍賣行 2024


金幣的正面刻有三行阿拉伯文銘文「الطاهير ابن علي مالک علاوالدین 」,意為「阿勞丁,虔誠者阿里·馬利克之子」,硬幣的周遭則有圓珠子環繞作為裝飾。背面為兩行阿拉伯銘文「السلطان العادل 」,為公正的蘇丹的意思,硬幣的外圈同樣有小圓珠裝飾。

古邦是古代的一種黃金計量單位,約等於0.6 g。這種重量單位的使用可以追溯到公元11世紀東南亞沿海的港口地區,表明它與國際貿易的聯繫,通常用於葡萄牙和荷蘭殖民時期涉及香料和其他貴重物品的交易。隨著荷蘭的殖民時期以及歐洲貿易對當地貨幣帶來的影響,這種單位最終逐漸被西方貨幣取代。

阿勞丁·卡哈爾,全名阿勞丁·里亞特·沙阿·卡哈爾 (Alauddin Ri’ayat Syah al-Kahar),是亞齊蘇丹國的第三位蘇丹,統治期間為公元1537年至公元1571年。他是亞齊蘇丹國創始人蘇丹阿里·穆加亞特的次子,也是第二任蘇丹薩拉赫丁的弟弟。由於他弟弟統治無為,阿勞丁·卡哈爾廢黜了他弟弟,並成為第三任蘇丹。在阿勞丁·卡哈爾的統治期間,他主動出擊蘇門答臘島上的啞魯國,並向奧斯曼帝國派遣使節,建立利益關係。此外,他多次在馬六甲與葡萄牙人展開衝突,試圖奪取這個重要的貿易中心。這些作為為亞齊的強權擴張奠定了穩固的基礎。




亞齊蘇丹國的衰落始於公元17世紀末,原因包括內部衝突、荷蘭東印度公司的外部壓力以及與其他地區強國的競爭。 公元1873年,荷蘭發動了亞齊戰爭,以征服亞齊並在該地區建立殖民統治,戰爭持續了數十年,最終在公元1903年亞齊被荷蘭征服。

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Leyten, J. (2004). A Catalogue of the Gold Coins of Samudra Pasai and Acheh; their origin, name, and weight, in a historical context

Michael Mitchiner (1977): Oriental Coins and their Values: The World of Islam. London, Hawkins Publications

Khan, Sher Banu A. L. (2017). Sovereign Women in a Muslim Kingdom – The Sultanahs of Aceh, 1641−1699. Cornell University. p. 28

Robert S. Wicks (1986): « Monetary Developments in Java between the Ninth and Sixteenth Centuries: A Numismatic Perspective ». Indonesia, No. 42, p44-59
