Great Manchukuo

10 Cents Kangde 7th era


壹角 康德

Item number: A398

Year: AD 1940

Material: Nickel aluminide

Size: 22.9 x 22.9 x 1.8 mm

Weight: 1.65 g


1. Noonans 2022

2. D. L. F. Sealy Collection

This is a ten-cent coin issued in the seventh year of Kangde (AD 1940) under the control of Japan in Manchukuo. In comparison to the previous version which used cupronickel, this version employs the lighter and thinner nickel aluminide, reflecting the metal shortages faced by Japan-controlled territories, including Manchukuo, following the outbreak of the Pacific War.

The obverse of the coin features a tied bundle of sorghum, with the national emblem of Manchukuo, an orchid, above it. In the centre is the denomination “Ten Cents,” surrounded by a beaded border. The reverse side depicts a traditional Japanese-style weight design at the centre, with the denomination “10” indicated in Arabic numerals. On the left and right sides, there is a small dot serving as a divider. At the upper and lower edges, it is inscribed with “Great Manchukuo” and “Kangde Seventh Year,” representing the country name and the year of issue, respectively. Similar to the obverse side, the reverse side is also decorated with a beaded border around the edge.

In AD 1931, the Japanese Kwantung Army initiated the Mukden Incident, seizing control of Northeast China and subsequently establishing the puppet state of Manchukuo under the former Qing emperor Puyi. In AD 1934, Japan further tightened its grip on Manchukuo’s economy by founding the Central Bank of Manchou, which was tasked with issuing and minting the currency circulating within the puppet state.

物件編號: A398

年代: 公元 1940 年

材料: 鋁化鎳

尺寸: 22.9 x 22.9 x 1.8 mm

重量: 1.65 g


1. 諾南斯 2022

2. 大衛.萊斯利.福布斯.西利舊藏




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中國 工業博物館 Chinese Industry Museum

日本 文鐵紙幣錢幣博物館 Buntetsu Museum of Bank notes and Coins



