Qing Dynasty, Eight Immortals

Lü Dongbin Charm

Item number: A120

Year: Qing Dynasty, AD 1636-1911

Material: Copper

Size: 34.5 x 34.5 mm

Weight: 12.07 g


1. Noonans 2022

2. D. L. F. Sealy Collection

This token is a part of the Eight Immortals charm series from the Qing Dynasty, featuring the depiction of Lü Dongbin, one of the Eight Immortals in Chinese mythology.

On the obverse of the coin is the inscription in regular script, honouring the immortal as “Lü Dongbin Xian.” The reverse side depicts the immortal’s image and his attribute: on the right side of the coin, Lü Dongbin is shown with his fly-whisk, while on the left side, his sword, which is his magical tool.

These coins, also known as “charms” or “amulet coins,” were cast for folk, religious, and ritual purposes, rather than for official circulation as currency. Similar types of charms exist in various ancient cultures, produced both officially and privately, featuring diverse and intricate designs. They were used for wearing, collecting, or gifting purposes and were highly valued by people. The production of “charms” in ancient China dates back to the Han Dynasty, reaching its peak during the Ming and Qing Dynasties, with almost every dynasty producing them.

The Eight Immortals are a group of eight legendary immortals in Taoism, each symbolising different social classes and age groups, encompassing “men and women, old and young, rich and poor.” Generally, they are recognised as He Xiangu, Han Xiangzi, Cao Guojiu, Lan Caihe, Zhang Guolao, Li Tieguai, Lü Dongbin, and Zhongli Quan. The origin of the Eight Immortals can be traced back to the Tang and Song Dynasties, but their legendary stories and religious significance were not firmly established until the Ming and Qing Dynasties when they were extensively documented in literature, gradually gaining popularity among the common people. Among them, Lü Dongbin is often depicted as an ethereal and otherworldly Daoist priest, holding a duster and wearing a treasured sword at his waist. Due to his frequent acts of aiding the people, he is revered by the common folk. Lü Dongbin represents the “male” archetype among the Eight Immortals, each of whom embodies a different status and identity.

Lü Dongbin, whose original name was Lü Yan and styled Dongbin, is traditionally believed to have been a figure from the Tang Dynasty. It is said that he served in officialdom twice but retired to seclusion in the mountains due to his disillusionment with court life. Among the Eight Immortals, his mythological stories are the most abundant. The Southern Song Dynasty work “Yi Jian Zhi” alone contains nearly thirty accounts of him, including tales of aiding the needy, transforming stones into gold, and slaying demons, among various other stories.

These charms engraved with the images of the Eight Immortals are considered symbols of auspiciousness and warding off evil. It is believed that placing these coins in the home can change one’s luck and receive blessings. Depending on the placement direction, they are also believed to bring different Feng Shui effects.

清 八仙 呂洞賓仙花錢

物件編號: A120

年代: 清代, 公元 1636-1911 年


尺寸: 34.5 x 34.5 mm

重量: 12.07 g


1. 諾南斯 2022

2. 大衛.萊斯利.福布斯.西利舊藏


錢幣的正面以楷書寫有神仙的尊稱「呂洞賓仙」,背面則刻有該神仙的形象和屬於自己的法器: 錢幣的右側為呂洞賓仙手持拂塵,左側刻著呂洞賓的法器寶劍





類似/相同物件 請看:

文化部典藏網 Ministry of Culture



徐佐仁 主編,《中國花錢圖錄》(香港:天馬出版有限公司,2007)




