Li Yuanhong Founding Commemorative Coin, ROC era 5


黎元洪開國紀念幣 民國五年

Item number: A299

Year: AD 1916

Material: Silver

Provenance: Stack’s Bowers 2024

This is a Founding Commemorative Coin minted in the 5th year of the Republic of China (AD 1916) by the Hubei Mint in Wuchang, in accordance with regulatory mandates. It features Li Yuanhong, who succeeded Yuan Shikai as the new President following Yuan’s death on June 7th of that year.

The obverse of the coin features a beaded circle within which is a portrait of President Li Yuanhong, crafted by the engraver Zhu Zichang from the Wuchang Mint. Li Yuanhong is depicted wearing the formal attire of the President of the Beiyang Government, adorned with a golden flower collar badge and first-class epaulets. The outer decoration largely follows the style of the “Sun Yat-Sen Founding Commemorative Coin” from the first year of the Republic (AD 1912). The inscription “Republic of China” is at the top, and “Founding Commemorative Coin” is at the bottom, with slight differences in font compared to the Sun Yat-Sen version. Both sides of the inscription are decorated with plum blossoms, the national flower, whose five petals symbolise Sun Yat-Sen’s principle of “Five-Power Constitution.”

The reverse of the coin also features a beaded circle, within which is a vertically inscribed denomination “One Dollar” accompanied by crossed grain ears. These grain ears symbolise China’s agrarian foundation, and the three leaves on each ear represent the “Three Principles of the People.” The upper edge of the coin bears the English inscription “THE REPUBLIC OF CHINA,” while the lower edge reads “ONE DOLLAR,” with a five-petalled flower ornament on each side.

There is also a rarer variant known as the “Hat-Wearing Version,” which depicts Li Yuanhong in the modern military uniform of the late Qing dynasty. However, subsequent research has revealed that the “Hat-Wearing Version” was a fantasy coin produced to attract collectors.

This coin is embedded in a silver dish crafted by the renowned Shanghai silversmith Zee Sung, with the manufacturing period estimated to fall roughly between AD 1927 and AD 1932.

On October 10, AD 1911, following the first shot of the Xinhai Revolution fired by revolutionary party members concealed within the Wuchang New Army, Li Yuanhong, who was then serving as a brigade commander, was initially reluctant to support the revolution. However, due to the revolutionary party’s combination of persuasion and coercion in the absence of strong leadership, he was compelled to accept the role of governor of the Hubei Military Government, leading the revolution. After the establishment of the Republic of China, Li Yuanhong’s relatively conciliatory personality enabled him to become a figure acceptable to various factions, including the formidable Yuan Shikai and the emerging warlords. As a result, he held several high-ranking positions, including Vice President, Speaker, and twice as President.

In AD 1923, after being ousted from the presidency by the Zhili warlord Cao Kun, Li Yuanhong retired from politics and moved to the Tianjin concessions. There, he transitioned into a successful businessman until his death.

物件編號: A299

年代: 公元 1916 年


來源: SBP錢幣拍賣 2024



背面同樣有一道珠圈,內部有一個直書的「壹圓」面額和交叉的嘉禾圖飾。嘉禾象徵中國「以農立國」特色外,每支嘉禾的三片葉子則是代表「三民主義」。錢幣上緣以英文寫上「中華民國」(THE REPUBLIC OF CHINA),下緣則寫上「一圓」(ONE DOLLAR)幣值,左右兩側各有一個五瓣花飾。該硬幣尚有一款較稀少的「戴帽版」,即身穿清末新式軍服的黎元洪像。不過隨著更多研究的發現,「戴帽版」被認定為吸引藏家而製作的臆造幣。



類似/相同物件 請看:

文化部典藏網 Ministry of Culture



張惠信,《中國貨幣史話目錄》(中和: 編著者,1982)

林國明 編,《中國近代機制金銀幣目錄》(上海:上海科學技術出版社,2021)




