Eight-Nation Alliance

Transport Medal

(Full Size, With South Africa & China Clasps)




Item number: M196

Year: AD 1903

Material: Silver

Size: 126.0 x 36.3 x 3.1 mm

Weight: 41.85 g

Provenance: Morphy Auctions 2023

This is a medal issued by the British Admiralty on September 9, AD 1903, on the birthday of King Edward VII, to reward all the commanding officers of 117 transport ships and 11 medical ships that made contributions to logistics during the Second Boer War and the Eight-Nation Alliance. The issuance of the “Transport Medal” amounted to 1719 pieces.

The medal is circular in shape, with a swivel straight bar suspension with claw for attaching the ribbon. The ribbon features a red background with blue edges and is accompanied by two styles of clasps: “South Africa 1899-1902” and “China 1900”. According to records, 1219 individuals received the medal for their service in South Africa, 322 for their service in China, and 178 for service in both theatres. The recipient of this medal, E.J.P. Clowser, participated in support operations during both the South African and Chinese conflicts.

Medals ReceivedSouth AfricaChinaBothTotal

The obverse of the medal features a left-facing portrait of King Edward VII in military attire, with the Latin inscription “EDWARDVS VII REX IMPERATOR,” signifying Edward VII’s imperial title. On the reverse side is the silhouette of the RMS Ophir, a British Royal Mail ship, against a background of a world map. Completed in AD 1891, the RMS Ophir was responsible for postal services connecting the British Empire and colonial Australia. In AD 1900, then Duke and Duchess of York, later King George V and Queen Mary, voyaged on the RMS Ophir to Australia, attending the opening of the new Australian Parliament in Melbourne and expressing gratitude for Australia’s support during the Boer War.

The Latin inscription “OB PATRIAM MILITIBUS PER MARE TRANSVECTIS ADJUTAM” translates to “For service in transporting troops by sea.” Below the medal’s edge is engraved the name of the recipient, “E.J.P. Clowser.” If the recipient is a master, the word “In Command” will be added after their name to distinguish their rank.

As the twentieth century approached, the British Empire engaged in military actions in locations such as South Africa and China, relying heavily on the empire’s formidable maritime capabilities to deploy troops. Following the conclusion of the Second Boer War, the British government decided to establish a medal named the “Transport Medal” to be awarded to non-military units as a method of recognition for similar situations in the future. However, with the outbreak of the First World War, the British government additionally created different medals. Ultimately, this medal was only awarded to non-military British ship personnel who supported the campaigns in South Africa and the Eight-Nation Alliance.

物件編號: M196

年代: 公元 1903 年


尺寸: 126.0 x 36.3 x 3.1 mm

重量: 41.85 g

來源: 莫菲拍賣 2023


獎章外觀為圓形,以帶有鉚釘的帶爪旋轉直桿懸掛銜接綬帶。綬帶配色為紅底藍邊,附有「南非1899-1902」和「中國1900」兩種銘條。按照紀錄獲得南非/中國/兩者兼具的人數,分別為1219 / 322 / 178人。該獎章的得主E.J.P. 克勞瑟,參與過南非和中國戰事的支援行動。


獎章正面是英國國王愛德華七世穿著戎裝的左側肖像,拉丁銘文「EDWARDVS VII REX IMPERATOR」是愛德華七世的皇帝頭銜。獎章背面是以世界地圖為背景的英國皇家郵輪:俄菲爾號的剪影。公元1891年,竣工的俄菲爾號負擔著聯繫大英帝國和澳洲殖民地的郵政業務。公元1900年,彼時仍是公爵的喬治五世賢伉儷搭乘其前往澳洲,一方面是出席在墨爾本的澳洲新議會開幕,同時也感謝澳洲對於布爾戰爭的支援。拉丁銘文「OB PATRIAM MILITIBUS PER MARE TRANSVECTIS ADJUTAM」,意思是「為海上運送部隊提供服務」。

獎章下緣則刻有得獎者的名字「E.J.P. 克勞瑟」。若得獎者為船長會在名字後方追加「指揮」字樣以作為區別。


類似/相同物件 請看:

英國 皇家格林威治博物館 Royal Museums Greenwich


英國 菲茨威廉博物館 Fitzwilliam Museum






A.A. Payne, British and Foreign Orders, War Medals and Decorations (London: J.B.Hayward & Son, 1981)

John Hayward, Diana Birch and Richard Bishop, British Battles and Medals Seventh Edition (London: Spink, 2006)

Borna Barac, Reference Catalogue Orders, Medals and Decorations of the World – Part II (Zagreb: OBOL, 2010)
