Wild type Cunobelin gold stater


Item number: A224

Year: AD 10-42

Material: Gold

Size: 19.2 x 17.3 x 2.1 mm

Weight: 5.51 g

Provenance: CoinCraft 2016

This gold coin is classified as a Wild type Cunobelin gold stater, produced by the Catuvellauni tribe during Cunobelin’s reign from AD 10 to AD 42. The obverse of the coin features a ear of barley, accompanied by the legend ‘AMV’, while the reverse depicts a headless horse running to the right, below which a ring-and-dot ornament is positioned. Below this ornament, the legend ‘CV’ is inscribed.

There are five distinct types of Cunobelin gold staters: Biga, Linear, Wild, Plastic, and Classic. This particular coin is identified as belonging to the Wild type, characterized by the ring-and-dot ornament beneath the horse. Typically, the standard legend on the obverse should read “CAMV”, representing Camulodunum, the capital of Catuvellauni, while the reverse legend should be “CVN”, denoting King Cunobelin.

Cunobelin governed a substantial portion of southeastern Britain from approximately AD 10 to 42, succeeding his father, Tasciovanus, as chief of the Catuvellauni, a tribe based north of present-day London. Either shortly before or after his accession, Cunobelin annexed the territory of the Trinovantes in modern Essex and designated Camulodunum (modern Colchester) as his capital and the location of his mint. From this central location, Cunobelin expanded his influence over much of southeastern Britain, and his coinage evolved from Celtic to Roman-influenced designs, a transformation initiated under his father’s leadership. His dominance was so pronounced that the Roman biographer Suetonius referred to him as Britannorum rex (“King of the Britons”) in his work The Twelve Caesars. Around AD 40, Cunobelin banished his son Adminius, who subsequently fled to Rome and persuaded Caligula to prepare for an invasion of Britain. Although the expedition was organized, it never departed. Following Cunobelin’s death, his other sons, Caratacus and Togodumnus, exhibited hostility towards Rome, providing Emperor Claudius with the pretext to impose Roman rule on the island.

物件編號: A224

年代: 公元 10-42 年

材質: 黃金

尺寸: 19.2 x 17.3 x 2.1 mm

重量: 5.51 g

來源: 錢幣工藝 2016

這枚金幣被歸類為荒野型的庫諾貝林金斯塔特(Cunobelin gold stater),由卡圖維拉尼部落於庫諾貝林統治期間(公元10年至公元42年)鑄造。錢幣正面特徵是一株大麥穗,旁邊刻有「AMV」字樣,而背面描繪了一匹無頭馬向右奔跑,下方設有環點裝飾。在這個裝飾下方刻有「CV」字樣。


庫諾貝林在公元10年至42年間統治了英格蘭東南部的一大片地區,繼承了他的父親塔西奧瓦努斯(Tasciovanus)成為卡圖維拉尼部落的首領,該部落位於現今倫敦北部。無論是在即位前還是後,庫諾貝林都征服了位於現埃塞克斯的特里諾凡特斯地區,並將卡姆洛多努姆(現科切斯特)定為他的首都和造幣廠所在地。從這個中心,庫諾貝林擴展了他在英格蘭東南部的影響力,並且他的硬幣逐漸從凱爾特風格轉變為羅馬風格,這一變化起始於他父親的統治下。他的影響力如此深遠,以至於羅馬傳記作家蘇埃托尼烏斯在其著作《十二凱撒》中稱他為「不列顛之王」(Britannorum rex)。約公元40年,庫諾貝林放逐了他的兒子阿德米努斯,後者隨後逃至羅馬,說服卡里古拉準備入侵英國。雖然遠征隊已經組織起來,但最終未能出發。在庫諾貝林去世後,他的其他兩個兒子卡拉塔庫斯和托戈杜姆努斯表現出對羅馬的敵意,為克勞狄烏斯皇帝提供了入侵的理由。

類似/相同物件 請看:

英國 大英博物館 The British Museum


英國 亨廷登郡本土歷史學會 Huntingdonshire Local History Society



Britannica. Cunobelinus


D. F. Allen, “Cunobelin’s Gold”, Britannia, 1975, Vol. 6 (1975), pp. 1-19

John Creighton, Coins and power in Late Iron Age Britain, Cambridge University Press, 2000
