Eight-Nation Alliance

Commemorative medal for The Far East Campaign, China

(Full Size), S.J Version  


S.J版 中國遠東戰役紀念獎章


Item number: M193

Year: AD 1901

Material: Bronze

Size: 91.3 x 32.2 x 2.0 mm

Weight: 15.3 g

Provenance: Liverpool Medals 2022

This is a medal, dated June 23, AD 1901, issued by the Italian government under Royal Decree No. 338, titled “Commemorative Medal for The Far East Campaign, China 1900-1901.” It was intended to honour Italian officers and soldiers who participated in the Eight-Nation Alliance campaign. The total issuance was 2325 medals. The ribbon of the medal features a yellow base adorned with four dark blue stripes. On March 15, AD 1908, to distinguish it from the “China Campaign Commemorative Medal” with a similar appearance issued in AD 1903, the government added a silver clasp engraved with “CINA 1900-1901”. This clasp was provided to the initial recipients to be attached to the ribbon for identification.

Extra information: Other than the standard bronze medal and silver clasp,

For medal: silver, white-metal, and bronze-silvered contemporary variants also exist. (All private purchase pieces)

For clasp: white-metal and bronze contemporary variants also exist. (All private purchase pieces)

The medal is circular in shape, and was designed by the engraver Luigi George. Featuring the left-facing portrait of King Vittorio Emanuele III of Italy on the obverse side, and surrounding the portrait is the Italian inscription “VITTORIO EMANUELE III RE D’ITALIA,” which translates to “Vittorio Emanuele III King of Italy,” presenting the monarch’s full name and title. In the lower right corner of the king’s neck, there is an engraving of the manufacturer’s hallmark “S.J.”

Established in AD 1836 by Steffano Johnson in Milan, the company expanded its operations to the capital city, Rome, shortly thereafter. To this day, it remains the primary producer of Italian government medals. Alongside the version bearing the “S.J.” hallmark, there is another variation with the inscription “REGIA ZECCA” below the portrait, denoting the Royal Mint. In comparison to the Royal Mint version, the “S.J.” version typically exhibits sparser and less defined hair strands in the depiction of the king.

On the reverse side, the design features laurel wreaths encircling both sides, with the central inscription “CINA” and “1900-1901,” denoting “China” and the years, respectively, in two lines of text. The same-looking medal issued in AD 1903 retained only the inscription “China” while omitting the year.

In January AD 1900, as the anti-foreign Boxer Movement in North China intensified and spread, diplomats from various countries, including Italy, expressed concerns to the Qing Empire. However, there were no signs of the situation easing. By June, the Boxers formally launched attacks on foreign compounds in Beijing. Twenty-eight Italian sailors and one officer were trapped in the embassy district, where they provided defence with a powerful one-pound cannon. Additionally, at the Beitang Cathedral in Beijing’s Xicheng District, thirty-eight Italian sailors protected priests and Chinese parishioners.

On June 10th, as part of the first wave of reinforcements departing from Tianjin led by British General Seymour, Italy contributed 42 sailors from the torpedo boat Calabria. However, by June 26th, the beleaguered Seymour Expedition could only retreat to Tianjin, with Italy suffering five fatalities in this operation. On June 19th, during the struggle for control of Tianjin, Lieutenant Ermanno Carlotto sacrificed himself while commanding 20 Italian sailors, intensifying domestic demands for the government to organise an expeditionary force. On July 5th, the government ordered the formation of an expeditionary force comprising 83 officers and 1882 soldiers, which didn’t arrive in China until August 29th. However, as early as August 14th, the second rescue mission led by British General Gaselee, including 53 Italian sailors, had successfully liberated foreigners trapped in Beijing.

After the pacification of the situation, the Italian expeditionary force remained stationed in China until the beginning of the withdrawal in August AD 1901, with the complete repatriation not occurring until four years later. Italy obtained a concession in Tianjin through the Boxer Protocol, becoming its sole foothold in Asia. The Italian concession in Tianjin endured until AD 1943 when, following Italy’s coordination of a ceasefire with the Allied powers, the Japanese military, which was originally part of the Axis powers, occupied the concession. Subsequently, it was transferred to the pro-Japanese regime led by Wang Jingwei, effectively ending Italy’s colonial activities in China.

物件編號: M193

年代: 公元 1901 年

材質: 青銅

尺寸: 91.3 x 32.2 x 2.0 mm

重量: 15.3 g

來源: 利物浦獎章 2022

這是一枚公元1901年6月23日,義大利政府按照〈第338號皇家命令〉頒布的「中國遠東戰役紀念獎章 1900-1901」,旨在獎勵參與八國聯軍戰役的義大利官兵,發行量2325枚。獎章的綬帶配色為黃底,並以四道深藍色條作為裝飾。公元1908年3月15日,為區別公元1903年相同外觀的「中國戰役紀念獎章」,政府追加一道刻有「CINA 1900-1901」銀質銘牌,提供第一批受獎者別在綬帶上作為辨識。




獎章外觀為圓形,由雕刻師路易吉·喬治操刀設計。正面是時任義大利國王的伊曼紐三世左側肖像,周圍的義大利銘文「VITTORIO EMANUELE III RE D’ITALY」是國王的全名及義大利國王的頭銜。國王脖子的右下角,刻有徽章生產商「S.J」商標。公元1836年,由史蒂法諾·詹森於米蘭創設公司,不久將業務拓展至首都羅馬,迄今仍包辦義大利政府的獎章製造。此款獎章有落款S.J版本外,亦有另一種在正面下方刻有「REGIA ZECCA」,即皇家鑄幣廠版本。S.J版本相較於皇家鑄幣廠的版本,國王的髮絲較為稀疏和模糊。





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澳洲 澳大利亞戰爭紀念館 Australian War Memorial


英國 世界徽章索引網站 World Medals Index






Jeffrey R.Jacob, Court Jewelers of the World (New Jersey: Postgraduate International, 1978)

Lynn E. Bodin, The Boxer Rebellion (London: Osprey Publishing, 1979)

Peter Harrington, Peking 1900: The Boxer Rebellion (Oxford: Osprey Publishing, 2001)

Borna Barac, Reference Catalogue Orders, Medals and Decorations of the World – Part III (Zagreb: OBOL, 2013)
