Eight-Nation Alliance

China Campaign Commemorative Medal

(Full Size)




Item number: M207

Year: AD 1903

Material: Bronze

Size: 69.1 x 31.3 x 2.2 mm

Weight: 16.25 g

Manufactured by: Royal Mint, Rome

Provenance: Liverpool Medals 2022

This is a China Campaign Commemorative Medal issued by the Italian government on April 23, AD 1903, according to Royal Decree No. 176. Its purpose was to reward Italian officers and soldiers who served in China and Korea after December 31, AD 1901. A total of 736 medals were awarded.

This medal shares a resemblance with the earlier-established Commemorative Medal for The Far East Campaign, China 1900-1901. Its ribbon features a yellow base with four dark blue stripes as decorations. This medal was designed by the engraver Luigi George. On the obverse side is the left-profile portrait of King Vittorio Emanuele III of Italy, and surrounded by the Italian inscription “VITTORIO EMANUELE III RE D’ITALIA,” indicating the king’s full name and his title as the King of Italy. Below the portrait, the engraving “REGIA ZECCA” can be found, denoting the royal mint in Rome. On the reverse side, laurel wreaths flank both edges, encircling the central inscription “CINA,” meaning “China,” with the omission of the year dates “1900-1901” present on the Commemorative Medal for The Far East Campaign, China 1900-1901.

The motivation for Italy’s deployment of troops in China during the Boxer Rebellion of AD 1900 was primarily driven by its participation in the Eight-Nation Alliance. Although by the time the Italian expeditionary force arrived in China on August 29, AD 1900, the Beijing legations under siege had already been relieved, Italy’s troops were stationed in China to participate in the aftermath and to exert pressure on the Qing government for negotiations. Following the signing of the Boxer Protocol on September 7, AD 1901, between the Qing dynasty and the foreign powers, Italy obtained Tianjin Concession and 5.91% of the indemnity payments. The Italian expeditionary force concluded its operations in China in AD 1904 following these diplomatic agreements.

物件編號: M207

年代: 公元 1903 年

材質: 青銅

尺寸: 69.1 x 31.3 x 2.2 mm

重量: 16.25 g

製造地: 皇家鑄幣廠, 羅馬

來源: 利物浦獎章 2022


該獎章和稍早設立的「中國遠東戰役紀念獎章 1900-1901」外觀大致相同。綬帶配色為黃底,並以四道深藍色條作為裝飾。獎章由雕刻師路易吉·喬治操刀設計,正面是時任義大利國王的伊曼紐三世左側肖像,周圍的義大利銘文「VITTORIO EMANUELE III RE D’ITALY」是國王的全名及義大利國王的頭銜。獎章正下方刻有「REGIA ZECCA」字樣,即位於羅馬的皇家鑄幣廠商標。獎章背面兩側被月桂花環包圍,於中央刻上「CINA」即「中國」,並省略公元1901年獎章的「1900-1901」年份字樣。


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Jeffrey R.Jacob, Court Jewelers of the World (New Jersey: Postgraduate International, 1978)

Lynn E. Bodin, The Boxer Rebellion (London: Osprey Publishing, 1979)

Peter Harrington, Peking 1900: The Boxer Rebellion (Oxford: Osprey Publishing, 2001)

Borna Barac, Reference Catalogue Orders, Medals and Decorations of the World – Part III (Zagreb: OBOL, 2013)
