Ancient Greek Phocaea

gold 1/24 stater

古希臘 福西亞


Item number: A232

Year: 625-522 BC

Material: Electrum (Gold with Silver)

Size: 6.9 x 6.8 x 2.5 mm

Weight: 0.68 g

Provenance: Private Collector, UK, 2018

This gold 1/24 stater, also known as a myshemihekte, originated from the Phocaea and was crafted by the Ionians during the period 625-522 BC. The obverse features a pattern similar to the Swastika, accompanied by a punch mark on the reverse, displaying a quadripartite square.

The Swastika is an ancient symbol with a rich and diverse history, spanning various cultures and beliefs across millennia. Its origins can be traced back to the Third Millennium B.C., and it has been revered as the emblem of numerous deities, cosmic forces, and natural elements. From symbolizing Zeus and Baal to representing the sun, fire, rain, and fertility, the Swastika’s significance has evolved through time and across civilizations. Its presence in different religious and cultural contexts, from China and Japan to Tibet and India, underscores its enduring importance as a potent symbol that transcends geographical boundaries and historical eras. Regardless of the various meanings attributed to the Swastika, it has always been primarily ornamental. While it may have been associated with different significations, its ornamental nature remained consistent.

The depiction of the Swastika in ancient Greek artifacts, such as verses and coins, typically features a square shape and a cross at right angles or near it. The interpretation of the Swastika’s presence on Ionian coins remains a subject of debate. Alex Thorn, in his work Symbolics of Antique Coins: Swastika and David’s Star, supports this hypothesis by including relevant coins in his book (p.63). In contrast, Thomas Wilson, the author of The Swastika, the Earliest Known Symbol, and Its Migration, argues against these assertions, suggesting that the interpretation of these punch marks as Swastikas is erroneous. He points out that the arms of a typical Swastika consist of straight lines crossing each other, which is not the case with the design on Ionian coins. In fact, the design on these coins comprises four Γ(gammas), each separated from the others, forming a design similar to numerous other punch marks of the same era. Adjusting the length of each outer arm of this mark removes the Swastika form, revealing the square pattern commonly used for such purposes.

Phocaea, situated in Anatolia (modern-day Turkey), was an ancient Ionian city and the founding city of several Greek colonies. Established around the 10th century BC, the Phocaeans established colonies in various locations, including Lampsacus, Amisus (Samsun), the Crimean Peninsula, Massilia (Marseille), and Emporion (Ampurias). During a siege by the Persians in 545 BC, many citizens chose emigration over submission. In 190 BC, Phocaea allied with the Seleucids against Rome and Pergamum, fiercely resisting Roman forces, leading to the city’s sack. Despite facing destruction after a rebellion in 132 BC, Phocaea was spared through the intervention of its colony Massilia.

物件編號: A232

年代: 公元前 625-522 年

材質: 琥珀金

尺寸: 6.9 x 6.8 x 2.5 mm

重量: 0.68 g

來源: 英國私人收藏 2018



古希臘文物中的卐通常呈現方形,並且交叉或接近直角的十字形。對於伊奧尼亞硬幣上卐的詮釋仍然存在爭議。《古代硬幣的象徵:萬字和大衛之星》一書的作者亞歷克斯·索恩(Alex Thorn)支持這一假設,並在其書中提及相關硬幣(第63頁)。相反,《萬字,已知最早的符號及其遷移》一書的作者托馬斯·威爾遜(Thomas Wilson)則反對此主張,認為將這些凹印解讀為萬字是錯誤的。他指出,一個典型萬字的臂部由相互交叉的直線組成,而這在伊奧尼亞硬幣上不成立。事實上,他認為這些硬幣上的設計由四個Γ(伽馬)組成,每個Γ都與其他Γ分開,共同形成非常接近許多其他同期凹印的設計。調整此凹印的每個外部臂部的長度會使萬字形式消失,整個設計會解析為通常用於此目的的方形圖案。


類似/相同物件 請看:

英國 大英博物館 The British Museum


The Project Gutenberg eBook of The Swastika, the Earliest Known Symbol, and Its Migration

Michael Shutterly, The Ancient Coins of Phanes

Agnes Baldwin, “SYMBOLISM ON GREEK COINS”, American Journal of Numismatics (1897-1924), 1915, Vol. 49 (1915), pp. 89-194


