Eight-Nation Alliance

Imperial Order of the Dragon, Later Type

(Full Size) 




Item number: M195

Year: AD 1908

Material: Bronze

Size: 75.6 x 33.2 x 1.6~1.9 mm

Weight: 16.25 g


In the winter of AD 1900, as stability was being restored in Beijing and northern China with the occupation by the Eight-Nation Alliance, including the United States, the American troops stationed in China, mainly consisting of the 9th and 14th Infantry Regiments, formed the “China Relief Expedition” military fraternal society to commemorate this action. In AD 1908, this society was formally registered in the United States. By AD 1930, the society opened its membership to all recipients of the government-issued “China Campaign Medal,” regardless of military affiliation. On February 13, AD 1932, President Herbert Hoover, then serving as President of the United States, also extended greetings to the association in his capacity as President.

In the same year of its formal registration, the society also established two commemorative medals: the “Military Order of the Dragon” and the “Imperial Order of the Dragon.” This item is the “Imperial Order of the Dragon,” which features a design resembling a Chinese square-holed coin, with a ring suspension and ribbon attachment. There are two versions of the medal based on the ribbon colour and the appearance of the pin. The early version features a solid yellow ribbon with a rectangular clasp bearing a dragon motif on the pin. The later version, to which this item belongs, has a ribbon with a yellow background and stripes in purple, light green, and dark green, with the pin directly designed as a five-clawed dragon.

The obverse of the order replicates the inner and outer edges of a square-holed coin, with numerous circular protrusions on the inner edge. The inner edge bears the pseudo-Chinese legends “C.R.E” and “1900” above and below, respectively. The former stands for “China Relief Expedition,” while the latter denotes the year of the operation. The outer edge features the legend “NOT TO CONQUER, BUT TO SAVE,” reflecting the perspective of the US military personnel regarding their mission in China during this campaign.

On the reverse side, at the bottom edge, there is an issuance number “473.” According to the records of the society, this medal belongs to Lewis Dunnigan, who participated in the battles of the Eight-Nation Alliance as a Quartermaster Sergeant. He received the medal from the association on September 26, AD 1908.

物件編號: M195

年代: 公元 1908 年

材質: 青銅

尺寸: 75.6 x 33.2 x 1.6~1.9 mm

重量: 16.25 g

來源: 利物浦獎章 2022




背面的下緣是頒發編號「473」,按社團紀錄查到這枚勳章的主人是路易斯. 登尼肯,他以軍需官中士身分參加八國聯軍戰役。並且在公元1908年9月26日從協會獲得獎章。

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美國 錢幣學會 American Numismatic Society


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Albert F. Gleim, CRE Reference Data (Virginia: Planchet Press Arlington, 1985)
