Roman Republic

Gaius Annius Luscus





Item number: A201

Year: 82-81 BC

Material: Silver

Size: 20.9 x 18.6 x 1.8 mm

Weight: 3.81 g

Manufactured by: Roman Mint, Fourth Workshop

Provenance: Coincraft 2016

This is a denarius silver coin minted during the Roman Republic, approximately between 82 BC and 81 BC, a period marked by civil war. The obverse of the coin features the bust of the Roman goddess Anna Perenna, wearing a small crown, symbolising longevity and abundance. In ancient Rome, Anna was associated with “to live through a year,” while Perenna represented “last many years.” The Romans celebrated grand festivals in honour of this goddess in the Ides of March according to the Roman calendar.

The Latin inscription “C.ANNI.T.F.T.N.PRO.COS.EX.S.C” translates to “Gaius Annius [Lucius] Titus filius, nephew of Titus, by decree of the Roman Senate.” Gaius Annius belonged to one of Rome’s illustrious gens and, under the leadership of the dictator Sulla, he led troops to suppress the rebellion in Spain.

The reverse of the coin depicts a winged Victory standing on a quadriga, a four-horse chariot. She holds the reins in her left hand and raises a palm branch, a symbol of victory, in her right hand. The “Q” below the palm branch signifies that the coin was minted at the fourth workshop. Below the chariot, “L.FABI.L.F.HISP” identifies the quaestor who accompanied Gaius Annius on his campaign in Spain. It stands for Lucius Fabius Hispaniensis, son of Lucius.

In 81 BC, following a military coup through which he seized control of the Senate, Sulla ordered Gaius Annius, Lucius Fabius, and others to lead troops to suppress the governor of Spain, Sertorius. This conflict, known as the Sertorian War, was a civil war within Rome and lasted until 72 BC, when Sertorius was assassinated by his own men, thus bringing the conflict to an end.

物件編號: A201

年代: 公元前 82-81 年


尺寸: 20.9 x 18.6 x 1.8 mm

重量: 3.81 g

製造地: 羅馬鑄幣廠,第四作坊

來源: 錢幣工藝 2016


安娜周圍的拉丁銘文「C.ANNI.T.F.T.N.PRO.COS.EX.S.C」意思是「蓋烏斯·安尼烏斯 [盧斯庫斯],提圖斯之子,提圖斯的侄兒,根據羅馬元老院的命令」。蓋烏斯·安尼烏斯是出身於羅馬顯赫的氏族之一,聽從於時任獨裁者的蘇拉率軍鎮壓西班牙的叛亂。



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英國 大英博物館 The British Museum

南非 斯泰倫博斯博物館 Stellenbosch University Museum


Borja Antela-Bernárdez, “The Coinage of G. Annius Luscus,” The City and the Coin in the Ancient and Early Medieval Worlds, 2012, pp. 1-12
