Roman Empire


Solidus Gold Coin




Item number: A258

Year: AD 363-364

Material: Gold

Size: 21.3 x 20.4 x 0.5 mm

Weight: 4.38 g

Manufactured by: Antioch mint

Provenance: Coincraft 2018

This coin is a solidus minted and issued by Emperor Jovian of the Western Roman Empire between AD 363 and AD 364.

The obverse of the coin features a right-facing profile portrait of Emperor Jovian, adorned with a pearl diadem, draped in a cloak and wearing a cuirass. Surrounding the portrait is the Latin inscription “D N IOVIAN-VS P F AVG,” an abbreviation of “Dominus Noster Jovianus Pius Felix Augustus,” translating to “Our Lord Jovian, the pious and blessed emperor.”

The reverse of the coin depicts a wreath held jointly by figures symbolising Rome and Constantinople, with the central inscription “VOT V MULT X” (Votis Quinquennalibus Multis Decennalibus), which means “vows for five years, and again for ten years.” Encircling this are the Latin words “SECVRITAS – REI – PVBLICAE,” signifying “Securitas of the republic.” Below, the letters “AN” denote Antioch, the place where the coin was minted.

Securitas is a goddess from Roman mythology, symbolizing safety and stability. Her depiction is frequently featured on artifacts such as coins of the Roman Empire, where she is typically portrayed leaning against a column.

Jovian was the 64th Emperor of the Roman Empire, reigning from AD 363 to AD 364. His tenure lasted only eight months before he died of food poisoning at the age of 33. Notably, he is known for concluding a peace treaty with the Sassanian Empire of Persia, thereby ending the ongoing conflict between Rome and Persia. Moreover, Jovian was a devout Christian who, upon ascending to the throne, reinstated previously restricted Christian practices.

物件編號: A258

年代: 公元 363-364 年

材質: 黃金

尺寸: 21.3 x 20.4 x 0.5 mm

重量: 4.38 g

製造地: 安提阿造幣廠

來源: 錢幣工藝 2018


金幣的正面描繪了皇帝約維安面向右側的側面肖像,頭上戴有珍珠王冠,背上披有披風並身著胸甲,周圍刻有拉丁銘文「D N IOVIAN-VS P F AVG 」,是「 Dominus Noster Jovianus Pius Felix Augustus 」的縮寫,意為「我主 約維安 虔敬幸運的奧古斯都」。 

硬幣背面描繪了羅馬與君士坦丁堡共舉花環,花環中央刻有銘文「VOT V MULT X」(Votis Quinquennalibus Multis Decennalibus),意思是「誓願五年,再願十年」。周圍刻有拉丁銘文「 SECVRITAS – REI – PVBLICAE 」,意為大眾的安全女神賽庫瑞塔斯(Securitas of the republic)。下方的「 AN 」為安提阿Antioch的縮寫,即此枚金幣的鑄造地點。 



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