Eye Staters gold 1/4 stater (Bellovaci)

貝洛瓦西 眼型1/4斯塔特幣

Item number: A217

Year: 60-25 BC

Material: Gold

Size: 14.6 x 12.9 x 1.3 mm

Weight: 1.4 g

Provenance: Künker 2022

This gold ¼ stater, weighing 1.4 g, was minted between 60 BC and 25 BC by the Gaulish Bellovaci tribe, located near Beauvais. The obverse features a singular eye accompanied by a rayed star, both enclosed within a beaded circle. The reverse depicts a horse running to the right, similarly adorned with a rayed star and enclosed within a beaded circle.

During the Gallic War, the Ambiani were not the sole tribe to mint coins; other tribes allied with the Romans also produced coinage to fund war expenses, known collectively as Eye Staters. Dr. John Sills, in his article “Reversal of fortune: eye staters of the Remi and Treveri,” categorizes Eye Staters into six types and groups them as part of a series known as Scheers series 30. These coins, ultimately inspired by the Philippus, begin with merely the remnants of Apollo’s head in a highly abstracted form. While Gallo-Belgic C coins focused on Apollo’s hair and wreath, these coins emphasize Apollo’s eye and wreath. The Bellovaci type appears to be inspired by the eye on Gallo-Belgic F, and possibly the star on Gallo-Belgic G.

The Bellovaci, a tribe from Belgic Gaul, occupied what is now the department of Oise. They neighbored the Parisii, the Veliocasses, the Caletes, the Ambiani, and the Suessions. Caesar regarded the Bellovaci as “the most valiant of all the Gauls.” Before the Gallic Wars, the Bellovaci had been allies of the Aedui. In 57 BC, they instigated an uprising of the Belgian tribes, providing a contingent of sixty thousand warriors to the coalition, but were defeated and took refuge in their oppidum of Bratuspantium. In 52 BC, they had pledged a contingent of ten thousand men for the relief army but later rescinded this pledge, asserting their intention to confront the Romans independently. Eventually, at the request of Commius, they contributed two thousand men to the coalition. The following year, in 51 BC, they led the Belgian tribes in one final revolt. Correos, a Bellovacan leader, orchestrated the rebellion to combat the Romans with the Atrebates, Ambiani, Aulerci Eburovices, Caletes, and Veliocasses. Alongside the Atrebate Commius, Correos confronted the Roman armies at the borders of the Bellovacan and Suessian territories. Correos’s death marked the definitive cessation of hostilities.

物件編號: A217

年代: 公元前 60-25年

材質: 黃金

尺寸: 14.6 x 12.9 x 1.3 mm

重量: 1.4 g

來源: 昆克 2022

這枚金質1/4斯塔特幣,重1.4克,由位於博韋附近的高盧貝洛瓦西(Gaulish Bellovaci)部落在公元前60年至25年間鑄造。正面特徵是一枚獨眼及帶放射線的星,兩者都被一個珠圈所包圍。反面描繪了一匹向右奔跑的馬,同樣裝飾有帶放射線的星並被珠圈包圍。

在高盧戰爭期間,安比安尼部落不是唯一鑄造硬幣的部落;其他與羅馬人結盟的部落也生產硬幣來資助戰爭開支,這些硬幣統稱為眼睛斯塔特幣。約翰·席爾斯博士(Dr. John Sills)在他的文章〈命運逆轉:雷米和特雷維利的眼睛銅板〉(Reversal of fortune: eye staters of the Remi and Treveri)中,將眼睛斯塔特幣分為六種類型,並將它們歸類為謝爾斯系列三十(Scheers series 30)的一部分。這些硬幣受到菲利普斯(Philippus)的啟發,起初僅是以極度抽象的形式呈現阿波羅的頭部細節。當加洛比利克C型(Gallo-Belgic C)硬幣聚焦於阿波羅的頭髮和花冠時,這些硬幣強調了阿波羅的眼睛和花冠。貝洛瓦西型似乎受到加洛比利克F型的眼睛並可能受到加洛比利克G型的星星的啟發。



Collecting Ancient Coins. The Celts from Northern Gaul – Third Generation Coins (c. 125 BC to c. 50 BC) – Eye Staters


Scheers S., La Gaule Belgique — Traite De Numismatique Celtique

John Sills, “Reversal of fortune: eye staters of the Remi and Treveri,”Mélanges de numismatique celtique offerts à Louis-Pol Delestrée (France: De Nummis Gallicis), 2013, pp. 173-209
