Byzantine Empire

Justinian I

Semissis Gold Coin




Item number: A263

Year: AD 527-565

Material: Gold

Size: 18.6 x 17.1 x 0.5 mm

Weight: 2.17 g

Manufactured by: Constantinople mint

Provenance: Coincraft 2018

This is a Semissis gold coin minted in Constantinople during the reign of Emperor Justinian I of the Byzantine Empire, from AD 527 to AD 565. The Semissis was a coin unit established by Emperor Constantine I in the 4th century, weighing 2.25 g, exactly half the weight of the Solidus coin, hence its name “Semissis,” meaning “half” in Latin. The role of the Semissis in the market was quickly replaced by the Tremissis, which was one-third of a Solidus. However, Semissis coinage continued until the reign of Emperor Basil I in the 9th century.

The obverse of the coin depicts a beardless bust of Justinian I facing right, wearing a pearl diadem and draped in a chlamys cloak. The Latin legend around the periphery reads “D N IVSTINI-ANVS PP AVI,” which translates to “Our Lord Justinian Eternal Augustus.”

On the reverse side, there is a seated, winged Victory goddess resting on a shield, with a shield placed on her knees inscribed with the numeral “XXXX.” To the left of the goddess, there is a star, while the symbol “⳨” below on the right signifies the Empire’s Christian faith. The legends on the left and right sides respectively represent “Victory” and “Augustus.” Below, “CON” stands for Constantinople, the abbreviated minting location, while “OB” indicates the use of pure gold.

Emperor Justinian I is indeed considered one of the greatest emperors of the Byzantine Empire, renowned for his many achievements. Particularly notable is his marriage to Theodora, who had a background as a courtesan. In AD 532, during the Nika Riots that erupted in the Hippodrome of Constantinople, Empress Theodora encouraged the Emperor to stand firm instead of fleeing, a decision that ultimately solidified Justinian’s subsequent accomplishments.

During his reign, Justinian I successfully reconquered much of the Western Roman territories that had been occupied by barbarian tribes, thus reuniting both halves of the Roman Empire under a single ruler. In terms of internal affairs, Justinian I not only oversaw the reconstruction of the fire-damaged Hagia Sophia in Constantinople but also enacted the Justinian Code, which became the foundation of civil law in later European legal systems.

物件編號: A263

年代: 公元 527-565 年

材質: 黃金

尺寸: 18.6 x 17.1 x 0.5 mm

重量: 2.17 g

製造地: 君士坦丁堡造幣廠

來源: 錢幣工藝 2018


金幣正面鐫刻查士丁尼一世的無鬚右側胸像,頭戴珍珠皇冠和穿著櫛孔扇貝斗篷。外圍的拉丁銘文「D N IVSTINI-ANVS PP AVI」意思是「我主 查士丁尼 永恆(的)奧古斯都」。




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