Byzantine Empire


Solidus Gold Coin

(Fifth Workshop)





Item number: A256

Year: AD 613-640

Material: Gold

Size: 20.6 x 18.6 x 0.5 mm

Weight: 4.42 g

Manufactured by: Constantinople mint, Fifth Workshop

Provenance: Coincraft 2018

This is a solidus gold coin minted by Emperor Heraclius of the Byzantine Empire in Constantinople, dating from AD 613 to AD 641. On the obverse side of the coin, there are two portraits depicted from left to right: Heraclius and his son Constantine III. Both figures wear a cross-crowned imperial diadem and a chlamys cloak, symbolising their joint rule over the empire. The gap between the two figures is adorned with a Cross Potent motif. The Latin legend on the outer rim reads, “Our Lord Heraclius and Heraclius Constantine (Constantine III) Eternal Augusti.”

The reverse side of the coin features the crucifixion of Jesus Christ on a cross with the acronym “CON” below, denoting Constantinople, the place of coin minting, and “OB” means made of pure gold. Surrounding the crucifixion scene, the Latin legend reads, “Victory, Augusti, Fifth Workshop,” the suffix “Ε” means five.

In the year AD 608, Heraclius joined his father, who served as the exarch of Africa, in launching a rebellion against the Emperor Phocas. Subsequently, in AD 610, after seizing the capital Constantinople and executing Phocas, Heraclius was crowned as the new Byzantine Emperor. During his reign, Heraclius faced significant threats from the Persian Sassanian Empire, particularly in Anatolia and Egypt. He organised several counteroffensives, recapturing Jerusalem and retrieving the True Cross. He even penetrated deep into Sassanian territory, forcing Persia to relinquish its occupied territories, earning admiration from Christians.

The True Cross: It is rumoured to be the cross on which Jesus died. Since the 4th century, the legend of the True Cross has been prevalent among Christians, and it is considered one of the important relics with miraculous powers.

However, the prolonged wars with Persia led to Heraclius neglecting the rising Islamic forces in the Arabian Peninsula. By the time of Heraclius’s death, the emerging Arabs had already seized the empire’s territories in Egypt and Syria.

Heraclius also focused on deepening the influence of Greek culture internally. He was the first Byzantine emperor to adopt the title “Basileus,” which is the Greek word for emperor, and he established Greek as the official language. Heraclius’s Hellenisation policy profoundly influenced the religious and cultural landscape of the Balkan Peninsula in later years.

物件編號: A256

年代: 公元 613-640 年

材質: 黃金

尺寸: 20.6 x 18.6 x 0.5 mm

重量: 4.42 g

製造地: 君士坦丁堡造幣廠,第五作坊

來源: 錢幣工藝 2018

這是一枚公元613至641年,時任拜占庭帝國皇帝的希拉克略於君士坦丁堡鑄造的索利都斯金幣。金幣正面的兩個人像,從左至右是希拉克略和兒子君士坦丁三世。父子頭戴十字架皇冠和身著櫛孔扇貝斗篷,象徵兩人是帝國的共治皇帝,兩人之間的空隙以拐杖十字架為飾。外圈的拉丁銘文意思是「我主 希拉克略和希拉克略·君士坦丁(君士坦丁三世) 永恆(的)奧古斯都」。金幣背面是釘上耶穌的各各他十字架,周圍的拉丁銘文是「勝利 奧古斯都們 第五作坊」,字尾符號「Ε」是五的意思。下方「CON」是君士坦丁堡,也就是金幣鑄造地點的簡稱,「OB」表示以赤(純)金打造。


真十字架: 傳聞是耶穌死時被釘上的十字架,自公元4世紀起,真十字架就開始盛行於基督徒的傳說中,具有神奇的力量是重要聖物之一。


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