Coronet Head Half Eagle Gold Coin

5 Dollar

(With Coin Bezel)




Item number: A222

Year: AD 1901

Material: Gold

Size: 27.9 x 22.2 x 2.2 mm

Weight: 9.4 g

Manufactured by: United States Mint Of San Francisco

Provenance: Xiang Yun Antique 2014

This specimen is a coronet head half eagle coin minted and issued by the United States in AD 1901, with a face value of 5 dollar, with a coin bezel.

The obverse of the coin features a profile portrait of the Statue of Liberty, wearing a crown inscribed with the word “LIBERTY,” adorned with 13 stars encircling the portrait as decoration. Below the portrait is the year of coinage, “1901.”

The reverse of the coin depicts a spread-winged eagle with a shield on its chest, clutching three arrows and an olive branch in its talons. Above the eagle is a scroll inscribed with the words “IN GOD WE TRUST.” Surrounding the eagle is the inscription “UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. FIVE D.”

The mint mark of this series of eagle coins is located beneath the eagle’s talons. The letter “S” signifies that this coin was minted at the San Francisco Mint. The San Francisco Mint was completed in AD 1854. The gold rush in California during the 1840s and 1850s led to a significant influx of population into California, and the volume of gold transportation increased year by year. Therefore, the American government announced the establishment of a mint in San Francisco in AD 1852.

United States eagle coins were issued by the United States Mint from AD 1795 to the 1930s, in denominations of quarter eagle ($2.50), half eagle ($5), eagle ($10), and double eagle ($20). This coin belongs to the half eagle denomination, issued from AD 1795 to AD 1929.

This coin belongs to the design period of AD 1866 – AD 1907. Its features include the obverse portrayal of the Statue of Liberty, the LIBERTY crown, and the banner above the eagle on the reverse with motto inscriptions.

In God We Trust:
This phrase first appeared during the American Civil War and was adopted as the national motto of the United States by an act of Congress in AD 1956. It has since been printed on many issued banknotes and coins.

物件編號: A222

年代: 公元 1901 年

材質: 黃金

尺寸: 27.9 x 22.2 x 2.2 mm

重量: 9.4 g

製造地: 美國舊金山鑄幣廠

來源: 祥雲珍寶閣 2014


金幣的正面為自由女神像的側面肖像,頭上戴有刻有「LIBERTY (自由) 」字樣的王冠,周圍環繞著13顆星星作為裝飾,肖像下方刻有此硬幣鑄造發行的公元年份「1901」。 

硬幣的背面刻有一隻展翅的老鷹,胸前有一面盾牌,爪子抓著三隻箭和一隻橄欖枝。老鷹的上方有一面布條,刻著「IN GOD WE TRUST」的字樣,意思是我們信仰上帝。周圍刻有銘文「UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. FIVE D.」。 




我們信仰上帝(IN GOD WE TRUST):

類似/相同物件 請看:

美國國家歷史博物館 National Museum of American History

英國 大英博物館 The British Museum


Thomas Michael,  George S. Cuhaj, Standard Catalog of World Gold Coins, 1601-Present 6th Edition, 2009, Krause Pubns Inc, p1379.
