kingdom of Hungary

Maria I

Denar Silver Coin




Item number: A246

Year: AD 1382-1395

Material: Silver

Size: 12.3 x 12.3 mm

Provenance: Private Collector, Taiwan, 2024

This is a denar silver coin minted during the reign of Queen Mary I of Hungary and Croatia, between AD 1382 and AD 1395. On the obverse side of the coin, there is a crown in the centre, surrounded by the Latin Uncial inscription “Mary, Queen of Hungary”. On the reverse side, there are two cross pattée arranged vertically, surrounded by the Latin Uncial inscription “Coin of Queen Mary”.

Maria I was the daughter of King Louis the Great of Hungary, who ruled over a vast territory including present-day Hungary, Poland, and the Balkan Peninsula, earning him the epithet “whose shores were washed by three seas.” Upon the death of Louis the Great in AD 1382, Maria ascended to the throne of Hungary at the age of ten under the regency of her mother, while her only surviving sister became the Queen of Poland. In AD 1385, Maria’s reign was briefly challenged by her distant relative, Charles III of Naples, invited by Croatian nobles. However, with the intervention of the dowager queen, Charles III was assassinated, leading to the dowager queen’s exile. Maria I and her husband, Sigismund of the Luxembourg dynasty, jointly ruled Hungary.

However, Maria’s relationship with Sigismund was not harmonious. In AD 1395, while pregnant with their child, Maria suffered a fatal accident falling from a horse, resulting in her death along with the unborn child. Sigismund, amidst suspicions surrounding his wife’s death, seized the opportunity to become the new King of Hungary. With Maria’s death, the Angevin-Sicilian dynasty’s rule over Hungary came to an end.

物件編號: A246

年代: 公元 1382-1395 年


尺寸: 12.3 x 12.3 mm

來源: 臺灣私人收藏 2024




類似/相同物件 請看:

英國 大英博物館 The British Museum

美國 錢幣學會 American Numismatic Society

