Princely State of Hyderabad

Asaf Jah VI

⅛ Ashrafi Gold Coin



⅛ 阿什拉菲金幣

Item number: A276

Year: AD 1910

Material: Gold

Size: 11.1 x 11.1 x 1.0 mm

Weight: 1.41 g

Manufactured by: Farkhanda Mint, India

Provenance: Spink 2023

This is a gold coin with a face value of ⅛ Ashrafi, minted in the year 1328 of the Hijri calendar (AD 1910) by the rule of Asaf Jah VI of the princely state of Hyderabad. In the centre of the coin’s obverse side is the prominent landmark of Hyderabad, the Charminar Gate, built in the 16th century, with the Urdu letter “م” (pronounced “meem”) engraved below the gate. Above the gate is the inscription of the king’s name, “Asaf Jah,” with earlier versions of the coin featuring an additional stroke at the bottom right corner of the name. On the left side is the honorific “Bahadur,” meaning “His Excellency,” and on the right side is “Nizam,” denoting the ruler’s title. Below is the year 1328 of the Hijri calendar represented in Persian numerals as “۱۳۲۸.”

On the reverse side of the coin, in the central circle, the denomination “⅛ Ashrafi” is engraved. Surrounding it is a design of bitter orange motifs, influenced by Persian–Mughal court culture. Inscribed within this motif in Urdu are the date and place of manufacture: “Made in the forty-first year of Nizam’s reign, at Farkhanda in Hyderabad.”

During the period of British rule in the Indian subcontinent, alongside the territories directly administered by the British, there were numerous princely states that emerged from the fragmentation of the Mughal Empire. Hyderabad in central and southern India was one of the most powerful princely states. Its ruler was originally the Mughal Empire’s governor in the Deccan region. After declaring independence in AD 1724, the coins minted by Hyderabad no longer bore the title of the Mughal emperor but instead featured the ruler’s own Nizam title.

In AD 1869, at the age of only three, Asaf Jah VI ascended to the position of the sixth Nizam. He received a British-style education and actively promoted modern infrastructure such as railways in the princely state until his death in AD 1911. In AD 1947, faced with the impending political changes as Britain prepared to leave the Indian subcontinent, the Hyderabad State had the options of joining India, joining Pakistan, or maintaining its independence. It chose to remain independent. Consequently, in AD 1948, shortly after its independence, India launched Operation Polo, an invasion that led to the annexation and dissolution of the Hyderabad State.

物件編號: A276

年代: 公元 1910 年

材質: 黃金

尺寸: 11.1 x 11.1 x 1.0 mm

重量: 1.41 g

製造地: 法爾坎達造幣廠,印度

來源: 斯賓克拍賣行 2023

這是一枚於回曆1328年(公元1910年),由阿薩夫·賈赫六世統治的海德拉堡土邦鑄造之面額 ⅛ 阿什拉菲金幣。硬幣的正面中央是海德拉堡最重要的地標,建立於公元16世紀的查米納塔門,城門下方鐫刻烏爾都字母M「م」符號。上方銘文是國王的名字「阿薩夫·賈赫」,早年鑄造的版本在名字右下角還有多一撇;左側是意指閣下的「巴哈杜爾」尊稱;右側「尼札姆」是統治者的頭銜;下方是以波斯數字表示的回曆1328年份「۱۳۲۸」。

硬幣背面的圓圈正中央,鐫刻著面額「⅛ 阿什拉菲」。周圍深受波斯–蒙兀兒宮廷文化影響的佛手柑紋飾內,以烏爾都語寫上鑄造日期和地點「在尼札姆統治的第四十一年,於海德拉堡的法爾坎達製造」。



類似/相同物件 請看:

英國 大英博物館 The British Museum

巴基斯坦 國家銀行博物館 State Bank Museum


Smt. Shubha, Dr. I. K. Pattar, “Coinage System Under The Mir Osman Ali Khan Period (1911-1948),” Review of Research, 2023, pp. 1–4

M. Shateri & T. Ahmadi, “Investigation and Symbology of Plant Motifs on Iranian Coins from Ilkhanid to Qajar Period,” Pazhoheshha-ye Bastan Shenasi Iran, 2023, pp. 285–311

George S. Cuhaj, Thomas Michael, Standard Catalog of World Coins, 1901-2000, 6th edition (USA:Krause Publications, 2019)
