Kingdom Of Saxony

King Albert

Gold Coin 20 Mark

薩克森王國 阿爾貝


Item number: A251

Year: AD 1876

Material: Gold

Size: 21.5 x 21.5 mm

Manufactured by: Dresden Mint

Provenance: Fuchin Coin 2024

This coin was issued in AD 1876 during the reign of King Albert of Saxony, representing a 20 mark denomination from the Kingdom of Saxony.

The obverse features a profile portrait of King Albert, encircled by the German inscription “ALBERT KOENIG VON SACHSEN,” indicating “Albert, King of Saxony.” Below the portrait is the letter “E,” which represents the mint mark of Dresden mint, where the coin was minted. The reverse showcases the royal coat of arms of the German Empire, surrounded by the inscription “DEUTSCHES REICH,” translating to “German Empire,” along with the year of minting and denomination, “1876 20 MARK.”

Coat of arms:
The coat of arms of the German Empire prominently features a black eagle with outstretched wings, its head turned left, adorned with a red beak, tongue, and talons, and topped with the imperial crown of Germany. Around its neck, the eagle wears the collar of the Order of the Black Eagle. On its chest, it bears a round shield displaying the Prussian eagle, which holds a sceptre and orb, each symbol of royal authority, and also wears a crown, with another shield on its chest. This specific design was in use from AD 1871 until AD 1918.

The Dresden Mint was established in AD 1556 and began minting for the German Empire in AD 1872, adopting the letter “E” as its mint mark. The coin in question was minted in AD 1876, a peak year for the mint’s production. Subsequently, operations declined, leading to layoffs and the closure of the mint in AD 1887.

This gold coin was issued during the reign of King Albert of Saxony. Albert reigned from AD 1873 to AD 1902 and was distinguished for his exceptional military and leadership capabilities, particularly his active role in the Franco-Prussian War, which significantly contributed to Germany’s victory. Since he had no descendants, the throne was passed to his brother upon his death. Prior to Albert’s accession in AD 1871, Germany was unified, and the Empire adopted the gold standard, minting the Mark to replace the various currencies previously in circulation, thereby gradually standardising the monetary system of the Empire.

物件編號: A251

年代: 公元 1876 年

材質: 黃金

尺寸: 21.5 x 21.5 mm

製造地: 德勒斯登鑄幣廠

來源: 福君錢幣 2024


硬幣的正面為國王阿爾貝側面肖像,周圍環繞著以德文刻有銘文「 ALBERT KOENIG VON SACHSEN 」,意為薩克森國王阿爾貝,肖像的下方刻有字母「 E 」,標示此硬幣鑄造於於德勒斯登鑄幣廠。硬幣背面的中央刻有德意志帝國的王室徽章,周圍刻有德文銘文「DEUTSCHES REICH」,為德意志帝國之意,以及該硬幣鑄造的公元年份和面額「1876 20 MARK」。




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