
Golden 1/2 Stater,  

Gallo-Belgic Bullet Type




Item number: A188

Year: 200-100 BC

Material: Gold

Size: 12 x 12 x 7.5 mm

Weight: 7.39 g

Provenance: Künker 2022

This golden coin is of the Gallo-Belgic bullet type, a ½ stater that appeared in the Gaul area, crafted by the Senones around the 2nd century BC to the early 1st century BC. A cross is observed on the obverse, while the reverse is plain. Chris Rudd, the author of Ancient British Coins, believed that this shape, resembling the royal orb, projected the power and divine sanction of the rulers who issued them.

This type of stater is primarily found on either side of the middle and lower Seine valley, mainly within the territories of the Carnutes, Senones, Aulerci, and Parisii. To the north, it is found among the Bellovaci, Suessiones, and Remi in Belgian Gaul, and westward through present-day Normandy and the Cotentin to the southern coast of the Isle of Britain. According to Louis-Pol Delestrée in “Un nouveau dépôt d’outils monétaires, retour sur les monnayages des Sénons,” the study argues that the workshops crafting these staters were mobile, activated by their sponsors and equipped with the monetary tools.

The function of these staters is still debated. Some argue that they served as gold coinage since the Senones did not mint gold coinage themselves. They were used for transactions, hoarding, ritual deposits, and possibly for other purposes, utilising ingots from the mining industry. Others claim they held a deeply cultural, political, and religious symbolic dimension. However, Fabien Pilon and Jean-Marc Séguier, authors of L’apport de l’analyse chimique des 31 statères globulaires « à la croix » de Varennes-sur-Seine (Seine-et-Marne) à la compréhension de ce (pseudo-)monnayage, counter this hypothesis by indicating that these staters are untrimmed and feature rudimentary iconography: a cross on one side, sometimes a torque, and a few letters on the other, which might represent marks from workshops or clients. Such a lack of detailed symbolism suggests that these objects might serve more as blanks (flans) rather than formal currency, and proposes that the Ardennes mining industry was the manufacturer. In this scenario, workshops, whether stationary or itinerant, might have acquired these mini-ingots of coinable gold to convert them into currency through minting, or to trade them as rough castings, functioning as “pseudo-coins.” The noted consistencies in the coinable gold used for both striking coins and casting the globules thus find a plausible explanation.

The crafters, the Senones, were a nomadic Celtic tribe that lived in the area now comprising the modern French départements of Seine-et-Marne, Loiret, and Yonne. From the 8th century BC to the 4th century BC, the Senones settled around the Loiret, Seine (Sena), Yonne, and Garonne rivers. Many of their warriors, alongside those from the Boii and Lingones tribes, crossed the Alps around the 4th century BC. They destroyed the Etruscan town of Meltum (Melzo), founded Milan, and settled along the Adriatic coast at Sena Gallica (now Senigallia). In 232 BC, Rome’s decision to evict the Senones led to the Gallic invasion of the Alps in 225 BC. They contributed warriors to the Celtic army during the siege of Alesia and were ultimately defeated and expelled by Publius Cornelius Dolabella in 283 BC.

物件編號: A188

年代: 公元前1-2世紀

材質: 黃金

尺寸: 12 x 12 x 7.5 mm

重量: 7.39 g

來源: 昆克 2022

這枚金幣屬於高盧-比利時子彈型半斯塔特幣,由塞農人於公元前二世紀至一世紀初在高盧地區鑄造。幣面正面有一個十字架,背面則平整。《古代英國貨幣》的作者克里斯·拉德 (Chris Rudd)認為,這種形狀類似十字聖球,強調了發行它們的統治者的力量和神聖授權。

這種斯塔特幣主要發現於塞納河 (Seine valley)中下游的兩側,主要在卡努特人 (Carnutes)、塞農人 (Senones)、奧勒爾基人 (Aulerci)和巴里西人 (Parisii)的領土中;向北則延伸至比利時高盧的貝洛瓦克人 (Bellovaci)、蘇埃松人 (Suessiones)和雷米人 (Remi)的領地,並向西延伸至今日的諾曼底和科坦丁,一直到不列顛島的南岸。根據路易斯-波爾·德萊斯特里 (Louis-Pol Delestrée)在《新的貨幣工具存放地,回顧塞農人的貨幣》(Un nouveau dépôt d’outils monétaires, retour sur les monnayages des Sénons)一文中所述,研究指出製造這些斯塔特幣的工作坊是流動的:由其贊助者啟用並配備了製造貨幣的工具。

這些斯塔特幣的功能仍有爭議。一些人認為,由於塞農部落自身不鑄造金幣,這些金幣被用作貨幣交易。它們以來自礦業的金錠製成,被用於交易、囤積、儀式性存放,有時也用於其他用途。另一些人則認為,這些斯塔特幣具有深厚的文化、政治和宗教象徵意義。然而,<關於Varennes-sur-Seine(Seine-et-Marne)的31枚“十字”球形銅板的化學分析對理解這種(偽)貨幣的貢獻>的作者,法比安·皮隆 (Fabien Pilon)和讓-馬克·塞吉耶 (Jean-Marc Séguier)反駁這一假設,他們指出這些斯塔特幣未經修整,並具有基本的圖標:一側有十字架,有時另一側有扭索和幾個字母,這些可能是代表工作坊或客戶的標記。缺乏詳細象徵意味著這些物件可能更多地被用作鍛幣坯料而非正式貨幣,並認為位於亞爾丁的鑄造廠可能負責鑄造這些斯塔特幣。在這種情況下,無論是固定還是流動的工作坊都可能購入這些可鑄造的迷你金錠,將它們通過鑄造轉換為貨幣,或作為粗鑄的「偽幣」進行交易。

塞農人是一個游牧的凱爾特部落,居住在包括現今法國塞納-馬恩省、盧瓦雷省和瓊省的地區。從公元前8世紀至公元前4世紀,塞農人在盧瓦雷河、塞納河 (Sena)、瓊河和加龍河周圍定居。許多男女戰士於公元前4世紀隨博伊人和林戈尼人越過阿爾卑斯山。他們摧毀了伊特魯里亞的城鎮梅爾圖姆 (現梅爾佐),建立了米蘭並在亞得里亞海岸定居 (現塞尼加利亞)。公元前232年,羅馬決定驅逐塞農人,導致了公元前225年的高盧人越過阿爾卑斯山的入侵。他們在亞萊西亞圍城戰中為凱爾特軍隊貢獻了良多,最終在公元前283年被普布利烏斯·科爾內利烏斯·多拉貝拉 (Publius Cornelius Dolabella)擊敗並驅逐。

類似/相同物件 請看:

英國 牛津大學 考古學系 Institute of Archaeology, University of Oxford, UK


Fabien Pilon and Jean-Marc Séguier, L’apport de l’analyse chimique des 31 statères globulaires « à la croix » de Varennes-sur-Seine (Seine-et-Marne) à la compréhension de ce (pseudo-)monnayage

Louis-Pol Delestrée, Un nouveau dépôt d’outils monétaires, retour sur les monnayages des Sénons

Chris Rudd, Ancient British Coins
