Qing Dynasty,

Xuantong Yuanbao,1 Mace & 4.4 Candareens,

Xuantong 2nd year, Branch Mint

(Raised Ki Version)

宣統元寶 庫平一錢四分四釐

宣統二年 造幣分廠造


Item number: A249

Year: AD 1910

Material: Silver

Size: 22.0 x 22.0 mm

Manufactured by: Branch Mint, Kirin

Provenance: Private Collector, Taiwan, 2024

This is a silver coin of “Xuantong Yuanbao,” minted in the second year of the Xuantong era (AD 1910) at the Branch Mint in Jilin under the commission of the Central Mint in Tianjin. On the obverse side of the coin, within the beaded circle, is a five-clawed coiled dragon, with a spiral cloud pattern emanating from the dragon’s mouth in the centre. The top edge is inscribed with “Xuantong Year of Manufacture” in Chinese, while the bottom edge features the transliteration “TAI-CHING-TI-KUO” in English, representing “Great Qing Empire.” On the reverse side within the beaded circle is the inscription “Xuantong Yuanbao,” with a raised carving of the character “Ji” in the centre, representing the abbreviation of Jilin Province. The outer edge of the beaded circle is divided by the Manchu inscription “Xuantong” above and below, with “Branch Mint” inscribed at the top and the denomination “1 Mace & 4.4 Candareens” inscribed at the bottom.

Milling method in Jilin began in the 10th year of the Guangxu era (AD 1884) with the establishment of the “Jilin Arsenal.” It was one of China’s earliest factories to use milling method for coin minting and later assisted in the minting of coins for other provinces as well. In the 31st year of the Guangxu era (AD 1905), it was restructured as the “Jilin Mint Bureau,” ceasing the production of military supplies and focusing exclusively on the minting of silver coins. Subsequently, in the 34th year of the Guangxu era (AD 1908), it merged with the Fengtian Mint to become one of the branch mints of the Central Mint.

物件編號: A249

年代: 公元 1910 年


尺寸: 22.0 x 22.0 mm

製造地: 造幣分廠,吉林省

來源: 臺灣私人收藏 2024



類似/相同物件 請看:

文化部典藏網 Ministry of Culture





張惠信,《中國貨幣史話目錄》(中和: 編著者,1982)

林國明 編,《中國近代機制金銀幣目錄》(上海:上海科學技術出版社,2021)


沈飛,〈清末吉林省鑄造的銀元〉,《西安市: 收藏》,(2015),頁76-78
