The Imperial Austrian Order of Franz Joseph

Grand Cross, Sash Badge

(Full Size)

奧地利帝國 法蘭茲·約瑟夫勳章

大十字級 飾帶勳章


Item number: M161

Year: AD 1849-1918

Material: Gold and Enamel

Size: 37.2 x 69.3 x 7.1 mm

Weight: 21.0 g

Manufactured by: Vincent Mayer

Provenance: La Galerie numismatique 2023

This object is the sash and sash badge of the Grand Cross of the “Order of Franz Joseph I”, established by the Austrian Empire in AD 1849. This order was instituted by Emperor Franz Joseph I on December 2, AD 1849, which was the date of his first anniversary of reign, with the purpose of honouring both military and civilian contributions.

The order features a red enamel cross with a golden border, widening at the ends, and a central white disc bearing the initials “FJ” for Emperor Franz Joseph I. Between the arms of the cross, there is a spread-winged black enamel double-headed eagle of Austria, wearing a crown, holding a gold chain in its beak. The hanging gold chain is inscribed with the motto of the order, “Viribus unitis,” meaning “With united forces.” The reverse side of the insignia lacks the gold chain and displays the founding year of the order “1849” on the central white disc. Above the entire cross is a connecting crown, designed similar to the Imperial Crown of Austria, symbolising the majesty of the Austrian Empire.

The suspension ring of the order is marked with the official hallmark “A3,” indicates that the object is made of gold. Additionally, the adjacent “VM” marking represents the manufacturing hallmark of Vincent Mayer, a jewellery company based in Vienna. The company was established in AD 1810 and was once a supplier to the Austrian royal court, responsible for crafting numerous jewellery and silverware items, including the Imperial Order of the Iron Crown.

Initially, the Order was structured into three classes: Grand Cross, Commander’s Cross, and Knight’s Cross. In AD 1869, a new class, the “Commander with Star,” was added above the Commander’s Cross. Subsequently, in AD 1901, the “Officer’s Cross” was introduced, ranking between the Commander’s Cross and the Knight’s Cross. Following these two expansions, the Order was divided into five classes.

The different classes of the order vary only in size, with the rest of the design remaining consistent across all levels. The table below illustrates the methods of wearing the order for each class.

Class等級Manner of Wearing
Knight Cross騎士十字襟綬勳章,配戴於左側領面
Badge on ribbon on left collar
Officer Cross大軍官十字襟綬勳章,配戴於左胸
Badge on ribbon on left chest 
Commander Cross指揮官十字領綬勳章
Badge on necklet
Commander With Star指揮官星十字領綬勳章,星章配戴於右胸 
Badge on necklet, and star on right chest
Knight Cross騎士十字Grand Cross大十字右肩飾帶上有勳章,星章配戴於左胸 
Badge on sash on right shoulder, and star on left chest

The Order of Franz Joseph I was awarded without consideration of social status, gender, religion, nationality, etc., and there were no limitations on the number of recipients. Additionally, the conferral of the order did not entail elevation to nobility, distinguishing it as an innovative system compared to other orders established in monarchies of that era.

物件編號: M161

年代: 公元 1849-1918 年

材料: 黃金和琺瑯

尺寸: 37.2 x 69.3 x 7.1 mm

重量: 21.0 g

製造地: 文森特·梅爾珠寶商

來源: 貨幣畫廊 2023


勳章的外觀為一個紅色琺瑯十字架,帶有金色邊框。十字架的末端加寬,中央為一個白色圓盤,上面刻有皇帝法蘭茲·約瑟夫一世名字的縮寫「FJ」。十字架臂之間為展翅的黑色琺瑯奧地利雙頭鷹,頭上戴有皇冠,嘴裡叼著一條金鍊,下垂的金鍊被設計成文字,刻有此騎士團的訓言「 Viribus unitis 」,意為團結力量。勳章的背面則沒有金鍊,並且中央白色圓盤上刻的是該勳章創立的年分「1849」。整個十字架的上方連接著一個皇冠,其設計和奧地利皇冠相似,象徵奧地利帝國的威嚴。 

勳章的懸掛環上刻有「3A」的官方標記,表示該物件為黃金製品。另外在一旁的「VM」標記則為維也納的珠寶公司Vincent Mayer的製造記號。該公司成立於1810年,曾為奧地利宮廷的皇家供應商,負責製造許多珠寶銀器、以及奧地利鐵王冠勳章等物件。 



Class等級Manner of Wearing
Knight Cross騎士十字襟綬勳章,配戴於左側領面
Badge on ribbon on left collar
Officer Cross大軍官十字襟綬勳章,配戴於左胸
Badge on ribbon on left chest 
Commander Cross指揮官十字領綬勳章
Badge on necklet
Commander With Star指揮官星十字領綬勳章,星章配戴於右胸 
Badge on necklet, and star on right chest
Knight Cross騎士十字Grand Cross大十字右肩飾帶上有勳章,星章配戴於左胸 
Badge on sash on right shoulder, and star on left chest


類似/相同物件 請看:

奧地利 軍事史博物館 Museum of Military History, Vienna

奧地利 史泰爾馬克邦政府辦公室 官網 Office of the Styrian State Government


Borna Barac, Reference Catalogue Orders Medals and Decorations of the World: instituted until 1945: Part I Bronze Book A-D (Craotia:OBOL d.o.o. Zagreb, 2009)
