Sisowath Monivong Coronation Medal

(Gold, Matte)


(黃金, 霧面)

Item number: M178

Year: AD 1928

Material: Gold

Size: 33.5 x 33.5 mm

Manufactured by: Bellugue, in Paris

Provenance: Heritage Auctions 2023

This medal is the coronation medal of Sisowath Monivong issued by Cambodia in AD 1928 to commemorate his ascension to the throne in AD 1927.

It takes the form of a circular gold medal, featuring a side profile of Sisowath Monivong in the centre on the obverse side. The name of the sculptor, “Bellugue,” is engraved below the portrait’s neckline. Encircling the portrait are inscriptions in French reading “Couronnement De S.M. Sisowath Monivong. ROI Du Cambodge,” which translates to “Coronation of H.M. Sisowath Monivong, King of Cambodia,” with the year of issuance, “1928,” engraved below. The reverse side of the medal bears the royal emblem of the Kingdom of Cambodia, surrounded by a Khmer inscription reading “Preah Bat Samdach Preah Serei Monivarman Krom Luang Chao Chakarbangsa Sisowath Monivong Nai Preah Reacheanachak Kampuchea,” signifying “His Majesty, Glorious Lord Scholar-Protector; His Highness, Lord of Land and Sea, Sisowath Monivong of the Kingdom of Cambodia,” denoting Sisowath Monivong’s regnal title.

Coat of Arms of Cambodia:
Coat of Arms of Cambodia, also serving as the symbol of the Cambodian monarchy, features a shield placed atop a mantle. At the centre of the shield rests a sword atop a pedestal (Phan), with the symbol “Om” positioned above the sword. Surrounding this motif is a laurel wreath, and at the bottom lies an image of the Royal Order of Cambodia. Above the shield sits the Cambodian royal crown. This version of the national emblem was in use from the year AD 1860 until AD 1970.

Sisowath Monivong, King of Cambodia, reigned from AD 1927 to AD 1941. Ascending to the throne at the age of 52, during his reign, Cambodia remained a protectorate of France, and he held no real political power. Monivong has been characterised as a ruler who “did not cause trouble for the French.” Some have suggested that Monivong resembled more of a puppet compared to his father, King Sisowath, and his uncle, King Norodom I. In AD 1941, Cambodia was invaded by Japan, and Monivong was powerless to act. He eventually retreated to Gongju and passed away in the same year.

物件編號: M178

年代: 公元 1928 年

材質: 黃金

尺寸: 33.5 x 33.5 mm

製造地: 巴黎 貝盧格

來源: 海瑞德拍賣行 2023


外型為圓形黃金獎章,正面中央為西索瓦·莫尼旺的側面像,且肖像的脖子下緣處刻有雕刻者的名字「Bellugue」。獎章的周圍以法文刻有「 Couronnement De S.M. Sisowath Monivong. ROI Du Cambodge」,意為「西索瓦·莫尼旺的加冕,柬埔寨國王」,另外正下方刻有獎章發行的公元年分「1928」。獎章的背面則為柬埔寨王國的王室徽章,周圍則以高棉文字刻有銘文「Preah Bat Samdach Preah Serei Monivarman Krom Luang Chao Chakarbangsa Sisowath Monivong Nai Preah Reacheanachak Kampuchea」,為「尊貴的學者守護者,君主陛下,高貴的陸海之主,柬埔寨王國的西索瓦·莫尼旺」之意,是西索瓦·莫尼旺的君主頭銜。 



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