Order of Saints

Maurice and Lazarus (Full Size),

Knight Grand Cross Class



Item number: M165

Year: AD 1869-1946

Material: Gold, Silver and Enamel

The results after XRF testing

Golden ball on the top of suspension ring
Ag19.61 %
Au61.28 %
In8.75 %
Zn0.318 %
Cu9.94 %

Size: order 63.8 x 71.4 x9.0 / star 84.5 x 85.4 x 18.6 mm

Weight: 29.25 / 86.7 g

Manufactured by: E. Gardino Succ. Cravanzola Roma, Rome

Provenance: Dixons Medals 2022

In AD 1869, the ruling Savoy royal family of the Kingdom of Italy merged the long-standing Orders of Saint Maurice and Saint Lazarus to establish the kingdom’s second highest honour, the “Order of Saints Maurice and Lazarus,” comprising a total of five ranks.(See Table)

Ranks of OrderNumber of annual awards (AD 1929)Way of wearing
Knight Grand Cross6Order with sash, with breast Star
1 Class Commander27Order with cravat, with breast Star
Commander96Order with cravat
Officer243Order with ribbon
Knight642Order with ribbon, without crown decoration

The Knight Grand Cross rank of the Order is worn with a sash, and the overall design of the order reflects its rich historical heritage. The green enamel Maltese cross, derived from the Order of Saint Lazarus, and the white Treflè cross, inherited from the Order of Saint Maurice, are prominently displayed on the order. The appearance and decorations on both sides of the order are identical. Above the trefoil cross, there is a golden ball decoration, and the order is attached with a ring suspension to the rosette at the green apple green sash.

The Knight Grand Cross rank also includes a breast star, which features diamond-cut silver rays that complement the green Maltese cross and white Treflè cross. In the centre of the reverse of the star, there is the coat of arms of the Kingdom of Italy, surrounded by the Italian inscription “E. Gardino Succ. Cravanzola Roma,” which is the name of the manufacturer. In AD 1850, Gardino was established in the capital of the Kingdom of Sardinia, Turin, and before the unification of Italy, it assisted the House of Savoy in creating jewellery and decorations. After the unification of Italy in AD 1861, the headquarters also moved to the new capital, Rome, and to this day, they continue to maintain their business in manufacturing medals.

The Order of Saint Lazarus was founded during the Crusades in the Holy Land of Jerusalem, with the primary mission of caring for leprosy patients. After the Crusades, the Order gradually returned to the Italian Peninsula and was incorporated under the patronage of the Savoy Dukes. Saint Maurice, on the other hand, is the patron saint of the Savoy Duchy, and legend has it that this black African leader martyred himself by refusing to obey the Roman emperor’s orders to suppress Christians. In AD 1434, Duke Amadeus VIII of Savoy, upon his retirement, established the Order in the name of Saint Maurice. This is why, in the mid-19th century, the Savoy family, upon founding the Kingdom of Italy, held Saint Maurice and Lazarus in such high esteem.

Since AD 1869, the Order of Saints Maurice and Lazarus has been considered a national honour in Italy. In AD 1929, regulations were further established regarding the annual allocation of the various ranks of the Order. It wasn’t until AD 1946, after the Kingdom of Italy was transformed into a republic through a referendum, that the status of the Order of Saints Maurice and Lazarus as a national honour officially ended. However, the Order continued to be awarded as a private distinction by the House of Savoy, with members of the Order spread across various regions including the Americas and Europe.

物件編號: M165

年代: 公元 1869-1946 年

材質: 黃金, 銀和琺瑯


19.61 %
61.28 %
8.75 %
0.318 %
9.94 %

尺寸: 獎章 63.8 x 71.4 x9.0 / 星章 84.5 x 85.4 x 18.6 mm

重量: 29.25 / 86.7 g

製造地: 加迪諾珠寶行,羅馬

來源: 迪生獎章 2022


勳章等級年度頒發數量 (公元 1929 年)配戴方式


大騎士十字級亦有一枚配戴於胸前的星章,以切割為鑽石質感的銀質射線映襯綠色馬爾他十字架和白色三葉草十字架。星章的背面中央刻有義大利王國國徽外,圓圈環繞的義大利文「E. Gardino Succ. Cravanzola Roma」是製造商的名字。公元1850年,加迪諾珠寶行成立於薩丁尼亞王國的首都杜林,在義大利統一前即協助薩伏伊王室打造珠寶和勳章。公元1861年,義大利統一後總部也搬遷至新首都羅馬,迄今仍維繫獎章製造的業務。



類似/相同物件 請看:

英國 帝國戰爭博物館 Imperial War Museum


Royal Ark website

英國 皇家格林威治博物館 Royal Museums Greenwich


Borna Barac, Reference Catalogue Orders Medals and Decorations of the World : instituted until 1945 : Part III Bronze Book G-P (Craotia:OBOL d.o.o. Zagreb, 2013)




