Kangde 8th year Manchukuo Development

Labour Service Commemorative Badge

(Full Size)

康德八年 滿洲建設勞動奉仕紀念章


Item number: M179

Year: AD 1941

Material: Silver and Enamel

Size: 30.0 x 22.5 x 2.1 mm

Weight: 8.45 g

Manufactured by: Dalian and Fengtian (Shenyang), Mori Yoko Workshop

Provenance: Quan Jian Zhai 2024

This item is a silver oval-shaped “Manchuria Construction Labour Service Commemorative Badge,” commissioned in AD 1941 (Kangde 8) and manufactured by Mori Yoko workshop, with headquarters in Dalian and Fengtian (now Shenyang). The obverse of the medal features a background of black enamel with granular protrusions, and the two wings are decorated with sorghum, an important agricultural product in the pseudo-Manchukuo region. In the centre, there is gold inscription reading “滿洲建設勞動奉仕” (Manchukuo Development Labour Service). The term “奉仕” is borrowed from Japanese, meaning service or devotion. The inscriptions of the eight-year version and the seven-year version are identical, with only a slight difference in the thickness of the fonts.

The reverse side features a vertical pin and the stamp“康德八年 滿洲帝國 ” (Kangde 8 th year Manchukuo Empire). This elliptical commemorative medal design was issued in Kangde 6th, 7th, and 8th years, with the 6th-year version being the most exquisite in design.

As described in the famous anti-Japanese war song “The Ballad of the Great Wall,” which mentions “The sorghum was rich and the soybeans fragrant, Gold was all over the land, with no disasters.,” Manchuria are situated in the fertile black soil region, making it an important agricultural region in China and even Asia. In AD 1931, Japan, coveting the Manchuria for a long time, used the “Mukden incident” as a pretext to quickly control the Manchuria with the stationed Kwantung Army. In AD 1934, the former Qing Dynasty’s abdicated emperor, Puyi, was installed with the reign title “Kangde,” establishing the puppet state of Manchukuo under strong Japanese control.

The establishment of Manchukuo prompted Japan to see it as a crucial solution to domestic rural issues. In the early 20th century, there were already scattered Japanese farmers encouraged by the government to settle in Manchuria. After the Mukden incident, the Japanese government considered the migration to Manchuria as a national policy. From AD 1939 onward, Japan officially promoted related policies.

In April 1940, the two organizations, “興亞學生勤勞報國隊”(The Revitalization of Asia Student Labor Volunteer Corps.) and “興亞青年勤勞報國隊,” (The Revitalization of Asia Youth Labor Volunteer Corps) coordinated through the Ministries of Home Affairs, Colonial Affairs, and Agriculture and Forestry, merged to form the “Manchukuo Development Labour Service Corps.” The plan was to annually send ten thousand people to settle in Manchukuo.

At the end of World War II, including the “Manchurian Construction Labor Service Corps,” there were approximately 1.66 million Japanese immigrants in Manchuria, with around 320,000 of them engaged in agriculture. In August 1945, when the Soviet Red Army launched the “August Storm” offensive in Manchuria, many dispersed agricultural immigrants were abandoned by the Kwantung Army, resulting in a significant number of casualties. Subsequently, some individuals became involved in the Chinese Civil War and remained in the People’s Republic of China under Communist rule, leading to the later issue of “remaining Japanese” in Sino-Japanese interactions.

物件編號: M179

年代: 公元 1941 年

材質: 銀, 琺瑯

尺寸: 30.0 x 22.5 x 2.1 mm

重量: 8.45 g

製造地: 大連和奉天(瀋陽), 森洋行

來源: 泉鑒齋 2024

此物件為公元1941年(康德8年),委託總部在大連和奉天(今 瀋陽)的森洋行製作的銀質橢圓形「滿洲建設勞動奉仕紀念章」。徽章正面以顆粒狀凸起的黑色琺瑯為底色,兩翼以偽滿洲國的重要農產品高粱作為裝飾。中央則是金字「滿洲建設勞動奉仕」,「奉仕」一詞借自日文,其意思為服務或效力。八年版和七年版的文字內容相同,僅有字體稍微變得厚實的細小差別。

背面則為一垂直別針和「康德八年滿洲帝國」字樣。此種橢圓形設計的紀念章,先後於康德6年, 7年和8年發行,以6年版的設計最為精緻




類似/相同物件 請看:

Medals of Asia website




張素玢,〈國策會社與日本移民事業的開展滿洲拓植公社與臺灣拓殖株式會社〉, 《師大臺灣史學報》,(台北, 2009),頁32-71




