Order of Isabella the Catholic,

Knight Grand Cross

(Full Size)



Item number: M167

Year: AD 1847-1868

Material: Gold and Enamel, Silver gilt and Enamel

Size: Order 46.6 x 70.0 x 6.2 / star 75.9 x 75.9 x 13.0 mm

Weight: Order 20.4 / star 67.2 g

Provenance: Liverpool Medals 2022

This is the Knight Grand Cross of the Order of Isabella the Catholic. It comprises a star badge of Knight Grand Cross grade, and an order badge which is same as the commander grade, along with a sash and a leather presentation case. The Order of Isabella the Catholic is a Spanish civil knighthood established in AD 1815 by King Ferdinand VII (AD 1784-1833)to commemorate Queen Isabella I (AD 1451-1504, under her leadership, Spain achieved unity and prosperity).

The appearance of this medal features a red enamel cross with a golden outer border. The edges of the cross exhibit a serrated pattern, and small golden spheres decorate the peaks of the cross. The central medallion on the obverse has the Pillars of Hercules and a crown covering a map of the Eastern and Western Hemispheres. The legend on the obverse, inscribed in white enamel, reads “A La Lealtad Acrisolada” (To Proven Loyalty), while the reverse side is inscribed with “Por Isabel la Católica” (For Isabella the Catholic). Above the cross, there is a laurel wreath in green enamel. The sash features alternating yellow and white colours.

The design of the star differs slightly, with more rays between the arms of the red cross. The central disk pattern remains unchanged, with a laurel wreath surrounding the outer rim of the disk. The white ribbon is bordered by the laurel wreath, featuring golden inscriptions “A La Lealtad Acrisolada” and “Por Isabel la Católica”. At the top of the ribbon, there is a small blue circular disc bearing the letters “FY”, connected to a small crown. The star is designed to be single-sided.

The purpose of this order is to recognise outstanding contributions to the homeland or the promotion of international relations and co-operation with other nations. It serves as a symbol of gratitude for those who have made noteworthy contributions to Spain, both individuals and institutions, including foreign nationals. When conferred upon non-Spaniards, it signifies acknowledgement of their contributions to Spain. As of AD 2023, the order continues to honour achievements and collaborations that have positively impacted the nation.

The classification of the Order of Isabella the Catholic has undergone several adjustments. Established in AD 1815, initially, the members were categorised into three classes: Grand Cross, Knight of the First Class, and Knight of the Second Class. In the following year, the Knight of the First Class was renamed Commander, and the Knight of the Second Class was renamed Knight. As of AD 2023, the current hierarchical structure of this knighthood is indicated in the table at the bottom of the article.

In addition to the aforementioned five classes, Sixth Class Silver and Bronze Medals were established in 1907, according to a royal decree.

The depiction on the central medallion of the reverse side and the blue disc of the star underwent changes due to shifts in the political climate in Spain. During the reign of Ferdinand VII (AD 1815-1847) and the restoration period (AD 1875-1931), the royal cypher of Ferdinand VII was engraved on the medal; in the era of Isabella II (AD 1847-1868), the medal was adorned with the royal cypher of Isabella II; during the Second Republic (AD 1931-1938), the medal portrayed a caravel sailboat; while in the Francoist era (AD 1939-1975), it depicted “FY.” The image on this medal is the cypher “FY”.

The Pillars of Hercules refer to two ancient mountain peaks situated at the entrance of the present-day Strait of Gibraltar, symbolising the Mediterranean world. These two pillars hold unique symbolic significance in history and mythology, representing the limits of human exploration and navigation.

This coat of arms originates from the Holy Roman Emperor Charles V, who concurrently served as the King of Spain, using this royal personal coat of arms. In the Spanish coat of arms, the Pillars of Hercules in the Spanish royal coat of arms consist of two vertical stone pillars surrounded by the royal crown, symbolising Spain’s sovereignty and territory. These pillars represent the Pillars of Hercules, serving as a symbol of Spain as a maritime power. The pillars are adorned with a sash bearing the Latin inscription “Plus Ultra,” meaning “Further Beyond.” This symbolises Spain considering the Pillars of Hercules as a gateway to the New World, extending beyond the Mediterranean, and signifies Spain’s extensive overseas colonies, exploring and discovering the New World.

The presence of the Pillars of Hercules holds a significant position in history and culture, and its incorporation into the Spanish coat of arms has made it a symbol of Spain’s rich historical and geographical heritage.

物件編號: M167

年代: 公元 1847-1868 年

材質: 黃金和琺瑯, 銀鍍金和琺瑯

尺寸: 勳章 46.6 x 70.0 x 6.2 / 星章 75.9 x 75.9 x 13.0 mm

重量: 勳章 20.4 / 星章 67.2 g

來源: 利物浦獎章 2022

此勳章為騎士大十字級的天主教伊莎貝拉勳章,有一枚騎士大十字級的星章和一枚指揮官級的勳章以及飾帶,並附有皮製收納盒。天主教伊莎貝拉勳章成立於公元1815年,是斐迪南七世國王(公元1784-1833年)為紀念伊莎貝拉一世女王(公元1451-1504 年,在她的領導下,西班牙實現了統一與繁榮)以及慶祝重登王位而設立。

此勳章的外表為紅色琺瑯的十字架,帶有金色外框,十字架的邊緣為鋸齒紋,尖峰有小金球作為裝飾,正面的圓盤中心刻有海力士之柱,以及王冠覆蓋著東西半球的地圖,外圈的白色琺瑯刻著銘文 “ A La Lealtad Acrisolada ”(證明忠誠),背面為銘文 “ Por Isabel la Católica ”(獻給天主教徒伊莎貝拉),十字架上方是一個綠色琺瑯的月桂花環。飾帶的顏色為黃白相間。

星章的設計則稍有不同,紅色十字架臂之間的光束較多,中央的圓盤圖案不變,外圈有月桂葉環繞著白色的緞帶,緞帶上有「A La Lealtad Acrisolada」和「Por Isabel la Católica」 的金色銘文。緞帶最頂端有一個小藍色圓盤,圓盤上刻有FY的字樣,連接著一個小皇冠。星章為單面設計。




除了五個等級外,在公元1907 年根據皇家法令,另設立了銀質獎章和銅質獎章。 

海克利士雙柱(Pillars of Hercules)是古代地中海中的兩座山峰,位於今日的直布羅陀海峽入口,是地中海世界的象徵。這兩座柱子在歷史和神話中擁有特殊的象徵意義,代表了人類探險和航海的極限。 

這個護徽起源於神聖羅馬皇帝查理五世,他兼任西班牙國王,使用這個皇家私人徽章。在西班牙的徽章中,西班牙國徽中的海克利士雙柱是兩根垂直的石柱,上方環繞著皇家皇冠,象徵著西班牙的主權和領土。在國徽中,這兩根柱子分別代表著海克利士雙柱,是西班牙作為航海強國的象徵,柱上繞著綬帶,上面刻有拉丁文的銘言「Plus Ultra」,意為「走得更遠」。這象徵著西班牙視海克力士之柱為通向新世界的門戶,而非僅限於地中海,同時也象徵著西班牙在海外擁有廣大殖民地,對新大陸的探險和發現。 


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Borna Barac, Reference Catalogue Orders Medals and Decorations of the World : instituted until 1945 : Part IV Gold Book P-Z (Craotia:OBOL d.o.o. Zagreb, 2016)




Dr. Alberto de Castro Pereira d’Almeida Navarro, Phot. Bobone – Illustração Portugueza (22Fev1904) – PICRYL – Public Domain Media Search Engine Public Domain Search

