Order of San Marino

Commander, military and civil

(Full Size and Miniature, With Case)


指揮官級, 民事軍事功績

(官方版和迷你版, 含盒)

Item number: M166

Year: AD 1859-2024 (present)

Material: Copper gilt

The results after XRF testing

Suspension loopGolden TowerCrownMiniature

Size: case 133.6 x 167.0 x 24.3 / full 57.6 x 88.9 x 5.4 / mini 17.6 x 80.5 x 4.2 mm

Weight: full 28.2 / mini 3.15 g

Provenance: Liverpool Medals 2022

The medal is the Commander rank of the Order of San Marino, officially instituted by the Republic of San Marino in AD 1859, accompanied by a miniature version and a pressed leather case. According to the decree issued, this medal is conferred upon individuals who have made outstanding contributions to the Republic, either in civil or military domains or have demonstrated humanitarian, artistic, political, or scientific achievements. It is worth noting that this honour is exclusively bestowed upon non-citizens of the Republic of San Marino. 

The medal is designed as a white enamel cross, with small spherical decorations adorning the tips of the cross. Delicately carved gold towers are situated between the arms of the cross. At the centre of the medal’s obverse side, there is a white circular disc featuring a gold shield. The shield bears the emblem of San Marino, symbolising the “Three Towers of San Marino.” Surrounding the disc, there is an inscription in Italian reading “Merito Civile e Militare,” denoting that this medal pertains to both civilian and military merit.

The Three Towers of San Marino are three architectural structures situated atop Mount Titano in the capital of the Republic of San Marino. These towers include the Guaita Fortress, the Cesta, and the Montale. Serving as iconic symbols of San Marino, these structures are featured prominently on the national emblem, flag, and the municipal coat of arms of the capital city.

On the reverse, a portrait of the founder of San Marino, Saint Marinus, is depicted on the circular disc. Surrounding this portrait is the Italian inscription “San Marino Protettore,” translating to “San Marino Protector.” Suspended above the cross is a golden crown symbolising sovereignty, while the ribbon of the medal consists of alternating blue and white stripes.

Saint Marinus, a Christian saint, is also revered as the founder of the Republic of San Marino. A stonemason by trade, he lived during the third century within the Roman Empire on the island of Rab. On September 3, AD 301, Saint Marinus established an independent monastic community atop Mount Titano, which was traditionally regarded as the precursor to the development of the Republic of San Marino. It was from this community that the name of the country originated.

The Order of San Marino is a decoration established by the Republic of San Marino on August 13, AD 1859, according to the decree. It comprises five ranks: Knight, Knight Officer, Commander Knight, Grand Officer Knight, and Grand Cross Knight. These ranks are further categorised into three types based on their nature: Civil, Military, and Civil-Military. Subsequently, the order was expanded to include gold, silver, and bronze grades. The shown medal is classified as the Commander Knight rank, made of copper gilt, and belongs to the Civil-Military gold grade category. The table below illustrates the manner of wearing various ranks of the Order of San Marino:

Rank等級Manner of Wearing配戴制度
Badge on ribbon on left chest 
Knight Officer軍官騎士襟綬勳章,綬帶上有花結,配戴於左胸
Badge on ribbon with a rosette on left chest 
Knight Commander指揮官騎士領綬勳章
Badge on necklet
Knight Grand Officer大軍官騎士領綬勳章,星章配戴於左胸 
Badge on necklet, and star on left chest
Knight Grand Cross大十字騎士右肩飾帶上有勳章,較大星章配戴於左胸 
Badge on sash on right shoulder, and larger star on left chest

According to the decree, there are limitations on the number of individuals who can be awarded each rank. Specifically, the Knight Grand Cross rank is restricted to no more than 50 recipients, while the Knight Grand Officer rank is limited to 100 individuals. The Knight Commander rank can be conferred upon a maximum of 200 people, followed by the Knight Officer rank with a limit of 400 recipients, and finally, the Knight rank, which can be awarded to up to 2000 individuals.

The Republic of San Marino is an enclave within Italy and currently ranks as the world’s fifth-smallest country. It holds the distinction of being both the oldest and smallest republic globally. The official language is Italian, while the nation commemorates its National Day on September 3rd, the date of the death of the country’s patron saint, Saint Marinus. In AD 1859, following the decree establishing the Order of San Marino, the country also promulgated the less prestigious Order of Saint Agatha in AD 1923. These two orders represent the only orders currently bestowed by the Republic of San Marino.

This miniature version was crafted by private artisans. Since early times, many recipients would commission local jewellers to create scaled-down or miniature versions of the insignias for easier portability or as substitutes when official replacements were needed. The image illustrates a price list from the early times, showing various sizes and materials offered by private craftsmen.

物件編號: M166

年代: 公元 1859-2024 年(迄今)

材質: 銅鍍金



尺寸: 盒 133.6 x 167.0 x 24.3 / 官方版 57.6 x 88.9 x 5.4 / 迷你版 17.6 x 80.5 x 4.2 mm

重量: 官方版 28.2 / 迷你版 3.15 g

來源: 利物浦獎章 2022


勳章的外型由白色琺瑯十字架組成,十字架的頂點分別有小圓球裝飾,十字架臂之間則有雕刻細緻的金塔。勳章正面中央的圓盤為白底,和一個金色盾牌,盾牌上的圖案為聖馬利諾的國徽象徵「聖馬利諾三塔」。圓盤的周圍以義大利文刻有「Merito Civile e Militare」的銘文,標明此枚勳章屬於民事和軍事勳章。 


在勳章的背面,圓盤上繪有聖馬利諾創立者聖馬利諾斯的肖像,周圍以義大利文刻著「 San Marino Protettore 」,意為聖馬利諾守護者。在十字架上方懸掛著一個象徵主權的金色皇冠,勳章的綬帶為藍白相間的條紋。 


聖馬利諾勳章為聖馬利諾共和國於公元1859 年 8 月 13 日根據法令成立的勳章,分為五個等級: 騎士、軍官騎士、指揮官騎士、大軍官騎士、和大十字騎士,根據性質又被分為民事、軍事、和民事兼軍事三種。後來,勳章的規模擴大,增加了金、銀、和銅級的勳章。此枚勳章屬於金質的指揮官騎士勳章,民事兼軍事版本。 下方表格為聖馬利諾勳章各等級的勳章配戴方式。

Rank等級Manner of Wearing配戴制度
Badge on ribbon on left chest 
Knight Officer軍官騎士襟綬勳章,綬帶上有花結,配戴於左胸
Badge on ribbon with a rosette on left chest 
Knight Commander指揮官騎士領綬勳章
Badge on necklet
Knight Grand Officer大軍官騎士領綬勳章,星章配戴於左胸 
Badge on necklet, and star on left chest
Knight Grand Cross大十字騎士右肩飾帶上有勳章,較大星章配戴於左胸 
Badge on sash on right shoulder, and larger star on left chest




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指文號角工作室主編,《號角:世界經典制服徽章藝術III》(北京:中國長安出版社,2014), 頁37-38

Borna Barac, Reference Catalogue Orders, Medals and Decorations of the World – Part IV (Zagreb: OBOL, 2016)






