Signature Bank

Signet Challenge Coin



Item number: A182

Year: AD 1939-2023

Material: Zinc

The results after XRF testing


Size: 51.0 x 51.0 x 5.1 mm

Weight: 60.55 g

Provenance: Private Collector, USA, 2024

This is a challenge coin issued by Signature Bank, which closed down during the banking crisis of AD 2023 and had its operations acquired by New York Community Bank. Challenge coins originate from a unique culture within the US military. It is said that during World War I, a lieutenant in the US Army Air Service designed a badge about the size of a coin as a marker for his squadron sent to Europe for combat. Subsequently, the lieutenant was captured by German forces during a mission. Although he managed to escape back to allied lines, he faced the risk of being executed by French troops due to the loss of identification documents. In a critical moment, the lieutenant remembered the badge he carried and handed it to the French troops, which helped identify his identity and saved him from execution. Since then, challenge coins have been passed down within the US military, with the first official record dating back to the Korean War. Today, challenge coins are not limited to the US military and are also created by civilian enterprises or organizations. With advancements in industrial technology, challenge coins are no longer limited to traditional round shapes but can also feature irregular geometric designs.

This challenge coin was commissioned by Signature Bank and supervised in its design by “Signature Coin,” a company specialized in creating challenge coins. The production was carried out by a factory in China, highlighting the cross-border commercial exchanges in the era of globalization. The purpose of Signature Bank issuing this challenge coin was to promote its “Signet” cryptocurrency payment platform, which was launched in AD 2019.

The appearance of this challenge coin is an irregular circle. On the obverse side, it features the uppercase “S” logo of Signature Bank. The central part of the reverse side is engraved with the logos of Signature Bank and the Signet payment platform, along with their website addresses. Surrounding the central design, there is a dark-colored circle with slogans such as “Blockchain, Real-time, 24/7 Payments, Certainty & Transparency, Safety & Security, and USD,” serving as advertising slogans for their cryptocurrency payment platform.

Signature Bank, headquartered in New York, was established as a regional bank in AD 2001. In AD 2018, with the rise of cryptocurrencies, Signature Bank ventured into the cryptocurrency space, aiming to reduce its reliance on traditional real estate lending businesses. On New Year’s Day in AD 2019, Signature Bank officially launched the Signet cryptocurrency payment platform.

Customers are required to maintain a minimum deposit balance of at least $250,000 but can engage in various cryptocurrency transactions around the clock throughout the year. With the support of the Signet platform, Signature Bank’s assets were valued at $110.36 billion, and deposits were $88.59 billion in AD 2022, making it the 19th largest bank in the United States according to Standard & Poor’s. Approximately 30% of its assets are related to cryptocurrencies. By early 2023, it had grown to become the second-largest cryptocurrency service bank in the United States, following Silvergate Bank.

It started at the end of AD 2022 when the fourth-largest cryptocurrency exchange in the virtual currency sphere, FTX, declared bankruptcy, causing a collapse in the cryptocurrency market. Panicked customers began withdrawing their deposits from Signature Bank. On March 9, AD 2023, to reassure investors, Signature Bank issued a press release stating its financial stability and plans to reduce reliance on cryptocurrencies. However, the next day, March 10, Silicon Valley Bank’s takeover marked the first bank closure wave in the United States that year. On that day, Signature Bank faced a run of several billion dollars, causing its stock price to plummet by 23%, ultimately leading to the bank’s bankruptcy.

On March 12, the New York Department of Financial Services ordered Signature Bank to cease operations and placed it under the control of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, marking it as the third-largest bank bankruptcy event in American history. On March 19, New York Community Bank agreed to acquire Signature Bank’s operations for $2.7 billion. However, this deal did not include the $4 billion in cryptocurrency-related deposits, which would be directly refunded to depositors under the supervision of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. The bankruptcy of Signature Bank highlighted the vulnerability of cryptocurrency platforms and prompted the U.S. government to initiate stricter supervision of banks involved in cryptocurrency business.

物件編號: A182

年代: 公元 2019-2023 年




尺寸: 51.0 x 51.0 x 5.1 mm

重量: 60.55 g

來源: 美國私人收藏 2024


這枚挑戰幣是簽名銀行委由「Signature Coin」,一家專門設計挑戰幣的公司監督設計並且交給中國的工廠生產,可見全球化下的跨國商業交流。簽名銀行發行該挑戰幣的目的,是希望替公元2019年自家開辦的「Signet」加密貨幣支付平台行銷。這枚挑戰幣的外觀是一個不規則圓形,正面以簽名銀行的英文大寫「S」商標為設計。背面的中央刻上簽名銀行和支付平台的商標和網站。外圍的深色圓圈處,刻有「數據鏈、即時、全天付款、確定性與透明度、安全與保障和美金」,作為自家加密貨幣支付平台的廣告標語。



3月12日,紐約州金融服務廳勒令簽名銀行停業,由美國聯邦存款保險公司接管,成為美國歷史上第三大的銀行破產事件。3月19日,紐約社區銀行同意以27億美金收購該銀行的業務。但該交易不含虛擬貨幣的40 億美金相關存款,這筆款項經美國聯邦存款保險公司監管將直接退還給存戶。簽名銀行的破產標示著虛擬貨幣平台的脆弱面,也促成美國政府對於銀行的加密貨幣業務展開更為嚴格的監督。

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