1931-34 China Incident War Medal

(Full Size, With Case)



(官方版, 含盒)

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Item number: M118

Year: AD 1934

Material: Bronze

Size: case 109.3 x 59.5 x 20.5 / medal 29.2 x 82.9 x 2.0 mm

Weight: 31.85 g

Provenance: Private Collector, Japan, 2022

This medal is the “1931-34 China Incident War Medal” awarded in accordance with Imperial Decree No. 225 issued by Emperor Showa of Japan on July 21, AD 1934. It comes with a dark green leather case with gilt-lettering. This medal was primarily awarded to military personnel, their families, and civilian officials who served in the incident areas or traveled to and from those areas. In AD 1946, this medal was officially abolished.

The appearance of this item is a bronze circular medal. On the obverse side, there is a right facing golden kite with outspread wings that supports the chrysanthemum emblem which symbolizes the emperor of Japan. Both are surrounded by radiating beams of light. On the reverse side, aligned naval and army helmets are surrounded by cherry blossoms, and inside a frame formed by the helmet straps, the inscription in seal script Chinese characters reads “From the Sixth to Ninth Year of the Showa Incident.” The ribbon of this medal has symmetrical colors, starting from the outer side and moving inwards: red, reddish-brown, light red, yellow, and in the middle is a deep red color. Additionally, the ribbon has a plaque with the inscription “War Service Medal” hanging from it.

Golden Kite:
According to legend, during Emperor Jimmu’s eastern campaign against Nagasunehiko, when he found himself in a disadvantageous situation, the weather abruptly changed. At that moment, a golden kite alighted upon Emperor Jimmu’s bow, emitting a dazzling radiance that turned the tide in favor of Emperor Jimmu’s forces, ultimately leading to victory.

This medal commemorates the outbreak of the September 18th Incident in the sixth year of the Showa era (AD 1931), as well as the January 28th Incident, until the ninth year of the Showa era (AD 1934) when Japan successfully occupied the northeastern three provinces and established the puppet state of Manchukuo. It was awarded to military personnel who contributed to these incidents.

In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, the Empire of Japan pursued an expansionist agenda. On September 18, AD 1931, Japanese military personnel launched a staged attack on a railway near Shenyang in Manchuria, northeastern China. This staged event served as a pretext for Japan to launch a full-scale invasion of Manchuria, violating China’s sovereignty and territorial integrity. The incident led to the rapid occupation of Manchuria by Japanese forces, and in AD 1932, they established the puppet state of Manchukuo, with the last Emperor of the Qing Dynasty, Puyi, appointed as its nominal ruler.

This incident and the subsequent invasion of Manchuria marked the beginning of Japan’s expansionist policies in East Asia. Over the following years, despite international condemnation and diplomatic efforts to peacefully resolve the conflict, Japan further expanded its military presence and influence in China. In AD 1933, Japan chose to withdraw from the League of Nations despite criticism from the international community for its aggressive actions. This withdrawal symbolized Japan’s ambitions for imperialism.

By the year AD 1934, Japan had consolidated its control over Manchuria and continued military operations in other regions of China, including North China and Shanghai. The series of expansionist actions by the Japanese Empire aroused dissatisfaction among the Chinese people and intensified their resentment towards Japan. This escalation of anti-Japanese sentiment sparked protests and resistance within China.

物件編號: M118

年代: 公元 1934 年

材料: 青銅

尺寸: case 109.3 x 59.5 x 20.5 / medal 29.2 x 82.9 x 2.0 mm

重量: 31.85 g

來源: 日本私人收藏 2022


該物件的外觀為一枚青銅圓形獎章,正面為一隻展翅的金鵄頭部面右側,以翅膀托舉著上方象徵日本天皇的菊紋章,菊紋章與獎章的周遭都有四射的光束。 背面則為並列的海軍頭盔與陸軍頭盔,頭盔被櫻花叢包圍著,頭盔盔帶圍繞成的框內以篆體漢字刻有「昭和六年乃至九年事變」。此枚獎章的綬帶顏色為左右對稱,由外至內分別為:紅海老茶色細條、緋褪色、淺紅色、黃色、中間則是濃紅色。另外綬帶還掛有「從軍記章」字樣銘牌。






類似/相同物件 請看:

日本 津山市政府官網


Muuseo My Museum官網



指文號角工作室主編,《號角:世界經典制服徽章藝術III》(北京:中國長安出版社,2014), 頁37-38




Kanji Ishiwara2. 1930s Japan, public domain image. – PICRYL – Public Domain Media Search Engine Public Domain Search
