1904-1905 Russo-Japanese War Medal

(Full Size, With Case)


(官方版, 含盒)

Item number: M110

Year: AD 1906

Material: Bronze gilt

Size: case 105.0 x 56.8 x 22.1 / medal 29.4 x 80.5 x 2.0 mm

Weight: 29.3 g

Provenance: Private Collector, Taiwan, 2022

This medal is the “1904-1905 Russo-Japanese War Medal,” also known as the “Meiji 37-38 Military Service Medal,” which is established in the year AD 1906 (Meiji 39) of the Meiji Era, crafted from copper and plated in gold.

According to Imperial Decree No. 51 issued by the Emperor of Japan, recipients of this medal included military personnel, their families, and civilians who contributed to the military effort during the Russo-Japanese War between AD 1904 and AD 1905.

The appearance of this medal is a circular copper gilt medal. On the obverse side, the naval flag on the left and the army flag on the right intersect, with a chrysanthemum crest in the upper half and the imperial crest of paulownia leaves in the lower half (this design is the emblem of the Japanese government and also a secondary emblem of the imperial family). On the reverse side, laurel and oak branches decorate both sides, with the Japanese kanji characters “Meiji 37-38 Campaign” inscribed in seal script in the center. Above the fixed ribbon suspension, the words “Military Service Medal” are written, and the ribbon has three colors: white stripes on the sides with green stripes in between, and navy blue in the center.

The medal is stored in a rectangular wooden case, with the front surface adorned with gold-stamped clerical script inscription of the Japanese characters “明治卅七八年從軍記章” (Meiji 37-38 Military Service Medal).

The Russo-Japanese War constituted the first large-scale international conflict of the 20th centuries, holding a paramount significance in both international political history and military history. This war precipitated a profound transformation in the power dynamics of the Far East region at the beginning of the 20th centuries. Japan, having emerged victorious, witnessed an unprecedented surge in national confidence and militarism. Apart from its significant impact on the international politics of the early 20th century in the Far East, the Russo-Japanese War also sowed the seeds for the later Pacific War between Japan and the United States during the Second World War.

The tension between Japan and Russia could traced back to the first Sino-Japanese war. Following the First Sino-Japanese War of AD 1894-AD 1895, Russia, along with Germany and France, compelled Japan to relinquish the Liaodong Peninsula. Subsequently, Russia incorporated the peninsula into its sphere of influence, laying the groundwork for future conflicts between Japan and Russia. During the Boxer Rebellion(AD 1899-AD 1901), Russia, citing the protection of the Trans-Siberian Railway, occupied the entire territory of the Three Eastern Provinces (Manchuria). Despite numerous negotiations, China and Russia signed the “Agreement between Russia and China with Regard to Manchuria” on April 8, AD 1902, stipulating the return of the provinces to China, with Russian troops to withdraw in three phases over 18 months. However, when Russia failed to adhere to the withdrawal schedule in April AD 1903, and instead increased its military presence, it sparked anti-Russian sentiments in China and further intensified the conflicts between Japan and Russia in Northeast China. Combined with the escalating competition between Japan and Russia in Korea, the Russo-Japanese War erupted in AD 1904.

物件編號: M110

年代: 公元 1906 年

材質: 青銅鍍金

尺寸: 盒 105.0 x 56.8 x 22.1 / 獎章 29.4 x 80.5 x 2.0 mm

重量: 29.3 g

來源: 台灣私人收藏 2022


根據日本天皇頒布的《 敕令第五十一號》,此獎章的授予對象為在公元1904到公元1905年間參與日俄戰爭的陸海軍軍人軍屬、文官…等幫助軍務獲得功績者。 

該獎章的外觀為銅鍍金的圓形獎章,正面為左側的海軍旗幟與右側陸軍旗幟相互交叉,上半部分是菊紋章,下半部分為五七桐花葉的御紋章(該圖案是日本國政府的紋章,也是皇室的副紋章)。背面則有月桂及橡樹枝葉裝飾於兩側,中間以篆體寫有日本漢字「明治卅七八年戰役」。獎章上方固定綬帶的懸掛處寫有「從軍記章」的字樣,綬帶有三種顏色: 兩側為白色細條,夾帶綠色條紋,中央則為紺青色。




類似/相同物件 請看:

澳洲 戰爭紀念館 Australian War Memorial


日本 厚岸町海事記念館 Akkeshi Maritime Affairs Memorial Museum



莊淙澍,〈 日俄戰爭之檢討與影響〉,《復興崗學報》,101期,2011年,頁97-116

指文號角工作室主編,《號角:世界經典制服徽章藝術III》(北京:中國長安出版社,2014), 頁31-33

明治三十七八年戰役 日俄戰爭紀念openmuseum.tw/muse/digi_object/daf6a99b3d8b41d49d9fe5d59f20b050

Jstor. Agreement between Russia and China with Regard to Manchuria



Iwao Oyama 2 – Imperial Japan. 1910s Japan, public domain image. – PICRYL – Public Domain Media Search Engine Public Domain Search
