Eight-Nation Alliance

William. Cowan Personal profile


威廉.考恩 個人檔案輯

Obituary of William Cowan

AD 1906/10/20

The Leith Observer Page.8

AD 1906/10/20

Letter to Parents During The Siege of The International Legations

AD 1900/10/04

Death Certificate from British Supreme Court for China & Corea

AD 1907/04/15

Death Certificate Page.1-3
死亡證明書 第1-3頁

AD 1907/04/15

Death Certificate Page.4-6
死亡證明書 第4-6頁

AD 1907/04/15

The Condolence Message to His Parents

AD 1906/10/23

Prince Arthur of Connaught Invitation to a Reception at Kabukiza in Tokyo

AD 1906/02/18

The Condolence Message from British Supreme Court for China & Corea to His Parents

AD 1906/10/09

The Supreme Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Scotland
Diploma No.56

AD 1859

Royal Sussex Lodge of Hospitality Grand Master
Diploma No.187

AD 1893

Royal Arch Masonry of England Honorary Degrees of Valor Diploma

AD 1894

Item number: C108-M100, M100

Year: AD 1859-1906

Provenance: Spink 2023

These are private letters and related documents belonging to William Cowan, a recipient of the British China Medal (1900) in AD 1902, who participated in the fighting while besieged in the Peking Legation Quarter during the Boxer Rebellion in AD 1900.

On May 10, AD 1854, William Cowan was born in Edinburgh, Scotland, where he pursued studies in architecture. In AD 1896, William was assigned as a surveyor to serve in the China Station of the British fleet. His responsibilities included leasing, construction, and management of British properties in China, Japan, Korea, Taiwan, Siam, and other regions in the Far East. He was also involved in the design project for the British consulate in Chongqing. In AD 1900, while in Beijing, William found himself caught in the anti-foreign storm of the Boxer Rebellion. During the siege of nearly two months, he participated in the defense of the legations as part of the volunteer fighting force until the relief on August 14.

On October 4, AD 1900, William mentioned in a letter sent to his parents:

“The settlement of the Chinese question, seems very far off yet. It is so different to get at the Emperor, the Court and all the offenders having fled into the Interior so there is no one to carry on the Government…… The destruction of life & property in Tientsin + Peking and land about there has been shocking. The Army is doing very little now. We have a large force of Ghoorkas, Sikhs and Bengal Cavalry in Shanghai waiting developments.”

After the conflict, instead of immediately leaving Beijing, William engaged in the reconstruction work of the legations. He continued to work for the British government in the Far East until his death on October 6, AD 1906, in Shanghai at the age of 52.

The batch of documents includes an obituary from “The Leith Observer” of Edinburgh, William’s hometown, announcing his death and accompanied by his photograph; a letter dated October 4, AD 1900, sent by William to his parents from Shanghai after the relief of the legations; an invitation letter sent in AD 1906 inviting William for a visit to Tokyo by a member of the royal family; William’s death certificate issued by the British Supreme Court in China in AD 1907, along with a condolence letter to his parents; and finally, three membership certificates from various periods and locations where William joined the Masonic lodge.

物件編號: C108-M100, M100

年代: 公元 1859-1906 年

來源: 斯賓克拍賣行 2023




解決中國問題似乎仍遙遙無期。連同中國皇帝在內的整個朝廷和冒犯者們都逃至內陸,因此沒有人能繼續執行政府的職責…… 天津、北京和周邊地區的生命和財產損失令人震驚。現在聯軍沒有採取太大的軍事行動,我們在上海已經集結一批龐大的廓爾喀兵、錫克兵和孟加拉騎兵團靜待後續的發展。



See more:


John Hayward, Diana Birch and Richard Bishop, British Battles and Medals Seventh Edition (London: Spink, 2006)
