Qajar Dynasty

Naser al-Din Shah Qajar

Gold Toman




Item number: A151

Year: AD 1864

Material: Gold

Size: 17.0 x 17.0 mm

Weight: 3.08 g

Manufactured by: Rasht, Iran

Provenance: Spink 2023

This hand-made Tuman gold coin was minted in AD 1864 during the period of Nasser al-Din Shah (r: AD 1848-1896), the fourth ruler of the Qajar dynasty of Iran. On the obverse of the coin are the Shah’s title and name “Sultan Nasser al-Din Shah Qajar, son of the Sultan” inscribed in Persian. The reverse of the coin marks the place and year of minting, “Rasht on the Border” (Zarb Dar al-Marz Rasht) and the year 1281 Hijri. Rasht is the capital of Gilan Province in northwestern Iran, located close to the world’s largest body of water: the Caspian Sea.

Due to the lack of gold production in the Iranian plateau, gold coins did not play a role as currency in Iran. During the Qajar Dynasty, gold coins were more likely to be used as valuable commodities, or as gifts from the Shah to commemorate special festivals (such as the Iranian New Year: Nawroz) and to reward courtiers. Most of the gold coins circulating in Iran came from foreign countries such as Venice or Ottoman Turkey, and were often recycled and minted into new gold coins.

During the Qajar Dynasty, each of the 13 provinces in the country had a gold coin foundry, but most of them only minted copper coins for daily private circulation. According to records from foreign travelers, Jews often played important leadership roles in mints because of their expertise in arraying coin. Even as early as AD 1806, Iran saw the emergence of its first mechanical coin minting machine in Tabriz. Handmade coins remained the predominant form of currency until Nasser al-Din ascended to the throne in AD 1848. As the Shah who ruled for nearly half a century, Nasser al-Din introduced minting machines and hired technical personnel from France to Iran in AD 1863. Unfortunately, due to poor domestic transportation, these machines only arrived in the capital Tehran. It took three years, and most of it was damaged. It was not until AD 1873 that the Shah once again introduced machines and talents from Austria after visiting Europe. Finally, in AD 1877, Iran’s first European-style mint was established, and local mints in various provinces were closed.

The design of Nasser al-Din’s coins differed from that of his father, Muhammad Shah, who preferred to use religious dogma as decoration on his coins. Nasser al-Din was even more fascinated by his great-grandfather, Fateh Ali Shah, who minted the title, name, and even the bust of the Shah on coins to demonstrate the authority of the monarch.

物件編號: A151

年代: 公元 1864 年

材質: 黃金

尺寸: 17.0 x 17.0 mm

重量: 3.08 g

製造地: 拉什特,伊朗

來源: 斯賓克拍賣行 2023

這枚手工打製的土曼金幣,是公元1864年伊朗卡扎爾王朝的第四任統治者:納賽爾丁沙阿(統治:公元1848-1896年)時期所鑄造。硬幣正面是以波斯文銘刻的沙阿頭銜和姓名「蘇丹之子,蘇丹納賽爾丁·沙·卡扎爾」。硬幣的背面則標記鑄造地點和年份,「位於邊境的拉什特」(Zarb Dar al-Marz Rasht)和回曆1281年。拉什特是伊朗西北部吉蘭省的首府,緊臨世界最大的水體:裏海。




類似/相同物件 請看:

英國 大英博物館 The British Museum

美國 錢幣學會 American Numismatic Society

ZENO.RU – Oriental Coins Database 網站


Priscilla Soucek, “Coinage of the Qajars: A System in Continual Transition,” Iranian Studies, 2001, pp. 51-87

Michael Mitchiner, Oriental Coins and Their Values: The World of Islam (London: Hawkins Publications, 1977)

Rudi Matthee, The Monetary History of Iran From the Safavids to the Qajars (London: I.B.Tauris & Co. Ltd, 2013),52846.0.html
