Durrani Dynasty

Ahmad Shah

Mohur Gold Coin


艾哈邁德沙 莫哈爾金幣

Item number: A166

Year: AD 1747-1773

Material: Gold

Size: 18.0 x 18.0 mm

Manufactured by: Mashhad, Iran

Provenance: Spink 2023

This gold coin, known as the “Mohur” in South Asia, was minted during the reign of Ahmad Shah Durrani (r. AD 1747-1773), the founder of the Durrani Empire, who laid the foundation for the modern Afghan nation-state.

The coin features Nastaliq script on both sides, which was written in Dari, a kind of Persian branch commonly used in Afghanistan. The obverse side bears a poetic couplet in the form of “Beit”, popular in Persia and northern India, praising the ruler. The inscription reads: “Sovereignty came from the Unparalleled Empowerer to Ahmad Shah, mint coins of silver and gold (as the ruler of) earth and heaven.” This style of praising the ruler with “Beit” couplets on the obverse side was continued by subsequent rulers of the Durrani Empire. As for the reverse side of the coin, it bears the inscription of the minting place: Mashhad, the name of the present-day second largest city in Iran.

In AD 1724, Ahmad Shah was born near Kandahar in southern Afghanistan. He later served as a general under the Afsharid dynasty in Iran. In AD 1747, taking advantage of the chaos following the assassination of the Shah of Iran, Ahmad Shah returned to his homeland and, at the Pashtun tribal council called the loya jirga, persuaded the Pashtun tribes to break away from the Afsharid dynasty and declared the establishment of the Durrani Empire.

Upon becoming Shah, Ahmad Shah immediately launched expansionist wars in all directions, and at its height, the empire spanned present-day northern Iran, northern India, parts of Turkmenistan, the entire territory of Pakistan and Afghanistan. However, after Ahmad Shah’s death, the empire plunged into severe civil war. Despite this, Ahmad Shah’s achievements are still revered in Afghanistan, where he is regarded as the father of the nation and a national hero.

物件編號: A166

年代: 公元 1747-1773 年

材料: 黃金

尺寸: 18.0 x 18.0 mm

製造地: 馬什哈德,伊朗

來源: 斯賓克拍賣行 2023

該枚於南亞一帶被稱作「莫哈爾」的金幣,為奠定現代阿富汗民族國家雛形的杜蘭尼王朝開創者:艾哈邁德沙(統治:公元1747-公元 1773年)期間鑄造。



類似/相同物件 請看:

英國 大英博物館 The British Museum


美國 錢幣學會 American Numismatic Society


ZENO.RU – Oriental Coins Database 網站



C.J.Rodgers, “The Coins of Ahmad Sháh Abdállí or Ahmad Shah Durrání,” Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, 1885, pp. 67-77

M. Longworth Dames, “The Coins of the Durrānīs,” The Numismatic Chronicle and Journal of the Numismatic Society, 1888, pp. 325-363

Michael Mitchiner, Oriental Coins and Their Values: The World of Islam (London: Hawkins Publications, 1977)

