Archduke Leopold V

double thaler marriage

commemorative silver Coin



Item number: A175

Year: AD 1632-1646

Material: Silver

Size: 47.0 x 47.0 mm

Weight: 57.05 g

Manufactured by: Hall Mint, Tyrol

Provenance: Fuchin Coin 2022

This silver coin belongs to the double thaler, commemorating the marriage of Archduke Leopold V (AD 1586- AD 1632) to Princess Claudia of Medici (AD 1604 -AD 1648). It was minted in Tyrol, specifically at the Hall Mint, between AD 1632-AD 1646.

The obverse features crowned busts facing right of Leopold, Archduke of Austria, and his wife Claudia de Medici in the center, surrounded by a Latin legend “LEOPOLDVS ARCHID AVS ET CLAVDIA ARCHIDVCISA AVS MEDIC,” translating to “Leopold Archduke of Austria and Claudia Archduchess of Austria Medici.” On the reverse is a crowned Tyrolean eagle, the coat of arms of Tyrol, symbolizing the coin’s minting in the Hall Mint, Tyrol. A wreath divides the surrounding legend, “DUX BVRGVNDIÆ COMES TIROLIS”, translating to “Duke of Burgundy, Count of Tyrol” at the top. According to Die Münzstätte Hall in Tirol 1477-1665, the coin was minted during the regency of Claudia de Medici after Leopold V’s death (AD 1632-AD 1646).

Leopold, born in AD 1586, was a member of the House of Habsburg, the twelfth child of Archduke Charles of Inner Austria and Maria of Bavaria. He was raised in the strict Catholic court in Graz and strongly influenced by his devoutly religious mother. In AD 1619, Leopold was appointed to Tyrol as the representative of his brother, the new emperor Ferdinand II. There, he laid claim to the lordship of Tyrol, which Ferdinand eventually granted him after some deliberation. From AD 1623 to AD 1630, he gradually secured the hereditary position of sovereign. Seeking to establish his own dynasty, Leopold married Claudia de Medici in AD 1626, despite having to relinquish his ecclesiastical offices.

The house of Habsburg:
Royal German family, one of the principal dynasties of Europe from the 15th to the 20th century. As dukes, archdukes, and emperors, the Habsburgs held sway over Austria from AD 1282 until AD 1918. They also controlled Hungary and Bohemia (AD 1526–AD 1918) and reigned over Spain and the Spanish empire for almost two centuries (AD 1504–AD 1506, AD 1516–AD 1700). 

Claudia de’ Medici, the daughter of Grand Duke Ferdinando I of Tuscany, was already a widow when she married Leopold. With Leopold, she had five children, including two sons, Ferdinand Karl and Sigismund Franz, who succeeded their father as rulers of Tyrol. Their youngest daughter, Maria Leopoldina, married her first cousin, Emperor Ferdinand III.

The house of Medici:
Italian bourgeois family that ruled Florence and, later, Tuscany during most of the period from AD 1434 to AD 1737, except for two brief intervals (from AD 1494 to AD 1512 and from AD 1527 to AD 1530). Renowned for their close ties to the Roman Catholic Church, the Medicis ascended to the papacy on four occasions, with Leo X, Clement VII, Pius IV, and Leon XI assuming the pontifical throne. They also strategically allied themselves through marriage with royal families in Europe (most notably in France, in the persons of Queens Catherine de Médici and Marie de Médicis). The family’s patronage of the arts and humanities made Florence into the cradle of the Renaissance, Europe’s scientific, artistic and cultural rebirth. The last Medici ruler died without a male heir in AD 1737, ending the family dynasty after almost three centuries. Despite this, vestiges of the Medici legacy endure to the present day through various extant branches of the family, such as the Medici Tornaquinci branch, personified by Giuliano de’ Medici Tornaquinci, and the House of Medici of Ottajano branch, symbolized by Giuliano de’ Medici di Ottajano, 14th Prince of Ottajano.

Leopold passed away in AD 1632 and was buried in the Jesuit Church in Innsbruck, where he had established a family crypt for his descendants. Claudia initially served as regent for her young son, Ferdinand Charles, guiding Tyrol through the final stages of the Thirty Years’ War with great skill. She also played a significant role in bringing Italian culture to Innsbruck, resulting in the construction of the first opera house in the German-speaking lands.

物件編號: A175

年代: 公元 1632-1646 年


尺寸: 47.0 x 47.0 mm

重量: 57.05 g

製造地: 哈爾鑄幣廠,提洛爾

來源: 福君錢幣 2022

這枚雙塔勒銀幣旨在紀念大公利奧波德五世(Leopold V)與麥地奇公主克勞迪婭(Claudia de’ Medici)的婚姻,鑄造於公元1632年至公元1646年期間的提洛爾(Tyrol),具體地點在哈爾(Hall)鑄幣廠。

銀幣正面中央刻有奧地利大公利奧波德和他的妻子克勞迪婭帶皇冠的頭像,兩人面向右方。頭像被拉丁銘文“LEOPOLDVS ARCHID AVS ET CLAVDIA ARCHIDVCISA AVS MEDIC”圍繞,意為「奧地利大公利奧波德和奧地利大公夫人克勞迪婭·美第奇」。背面有一隻戴皇冠的提洛爾老鷹(提洛爾的紋章),象徵這枚硬幣鑄於此。環繞的銘文被頂部的銘文分開,“DUX BVRGVNDIÆ COMES TIROLIS”,翻譯為「勃艮第公爵,提洛爾伯爵」。


利奧波德生於公元1586年,是哈布斯堡王朝(The house of Habsburg)的成員,是內奧地利大公查理和巴伐利亞的瑪麗亞的第十二個孩子。他在格拉茨嚴格遵守天主教教義的宮廷中長大,受到虔誠的母親極大的影響。公元1619年,利奧波德被任命為他的兄弟,新皇帝斐迪南二世的提洛爾代表。利奧波德對提洛爾的統治提出了主權要求,斐迪南在猶豫後最終同意了他的要求。從公元1623年到公元1630年,他逐步確立了繼承的地位。為了建立自己的王朝,利奧波德於公元1626年與克勞迪婭結婚,為此放棄他的教職。



意大利銀行家族,於公元1434年至公元1737年大部分時間統治佛羅倫斯,後來又統治托斯卡納,僅有兩個短暫的間隔期(從公元1494年到公元1512年和從公元1527年到公元1530年)。麥地奇家族以與羅馬天主教會的密切聯繫而聞名,他們共有四位成員登上教宗寶座,分別是利奧十世、克萊門特七世、庇護四世和利奧十一世。他們還通過與歐洲皇室的聯姻(尤其是與法國,以凱瑟琳·德·麥地奇女王和瑪麗·德·麥地奇女王為例)策略性地結盟。此家族對藝術和人文的贊助使佛羅倫斯成為文藝復興的搖籃,歐洲的科學、藝術和文化重生之地。最後一位麥地奇統治者於公元1737年去世,沒有留下男性繼承人,結束了家族近三個世紀的統治。儘管如此,麥地奇家族至今仍存在於家族的各個分支中,例如由朱利安諾·德·麥地奇·托爾納昆奇代表的麥地奇托爾納昆奇(Medici Tornaquinci)分支,以及由朱利安諾·德·麥地奇·迪·奧塔雅諾,奧塔雅諾的14世王子代表的麥地奇奧塔雅諾(House of Medici of Ottajano)分支。

利奧波德於公元1632年逝世,被葬在因斯布魯克的耶穌會教堂,他在那裡為後代建立了家族墓穴。他過世後,克勞迪婭代替兒子費迪南德·查爾斯(Ferdinand Charles)攝政,成功引導提洛爾度過三十年戰爭的最後階段。她亦將義大利文化引入因斯布魯克,建造第一座位於德語國家的歌劇院。

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