Gold Porto Novo Pagoda

1788, South India

(New Negapatnam type)


1788年 南印度


Item number: A134

Year: AD 1788

The results after XRF testing


Material: Gold

Size: 11.5 x 11.5 mm / thick: 1.0~3.0 mm

Weight: 3.4 g

Provenance: Spink 2023

This coin(Sinhala: Parangipatta) is classified as belonging to the New Negapatnam type of Porto Novo pagoda. It was minted by the Dutch East India Company (VOC) at the Tuticorin and Colombo Mints between AD 1760 and AD 1794.

The obverse side features a depiction of Lord Venkateswara (Vishnu) in full length, standing with a chakra on each side. Adjacent to Vishnu’s right side, at the height of his hip, a “lazy J” symbol can be observed. Conversely, the reverse side displays a field of granulated dots.

According to the minting records extracted from Codrington, the date of the pagoda can be discerned from its gold content, as indicated below:

YearGold percentageMint
AD 176480%Tuticorin
AD 178576.9%Colombo
AD 1787-179476.9%Tuticorin
AD 178370.8%Colombo
AD 178862.5%Tuticorin

Thus, this particular pagoda was likely minted around AD 1788 in Tuticorin.

The pagoda, a type of gold coin prevalent in South India and Ceylon, facilitated transactions among kingdoms in southern India. It was issued by various dynasties during medieval times, including the Kadambas of Hangal, the Kadambas of Goa, and the Vijaynagar Empire. Subsequently, it served as a means of exchange between these kingdoms and European powers such as the Dutch, the French, the Portuguese, and the British. With the introduction of silver currency in southern India in AD 1810, the pagoda was phased out in favor of the rupee. Pagodas can be categorized into two main types: Star pagodas and Porto Novo pagodas.

Star pagodaPorto Novo pagoda
East India company (EIC)Dutch East India Company (VOC)

The Dutch East India Company (VOC, AD 1602–1799) emerged as Europe’s foremost commercial and colonial force in 17th-century Asia. Its initial objectives revolved around accessing the trade of Indian cloth for valuable spices from the Maluku Islands, leading to its presence on the Coromandel Coast. Additionally, the strategic significance of Surat as a maritime hub and Bengal as a producer of silk and cotton attracted the Company to the Mughal Empire. Throughout South Asia, the VOC’s influence was sustained through diplomatic relations with local rulers. These commercial, diplomatic, and colonial interactions fostered significant cultural exchanges and knowledge production in art, religion, language, and botanical science, indicative of profound cross-cultural connections and mutual influences. The VOC maintained a robust trade network in South Asia until the late 18th century, when its Indian territories were seized by the British during the Fourth Anglo-Dutch War (AD 1780–1784) and again in AD 1795 to AD 1796 during the French Revolutionary Wars.

According to William Spengler,  the term “Lazy J” may have been lifted from the cattle culture of the American West and applied to certain symbols on coins. In designing branding irons for marking ownership of newborn calves, cattle-owners often combined letters, numbers and/or other symbols in arrangements which could not easily be confused with brands of other owners or altered by cattle-rustlers. When such a letter, number or other symbol was rendered lying on its side, it was referred to as “lazy”. Thus, a letter such as “J” shown rotated 90 degrees came to be called a “Lazy J”. 

Jan Lingen claimed that “lazy J” on the single swami pagodas is rotated anti-clock wise and it appears on the right side of the pagoda at the height of the hip of the deity. 

物件編號: A134

年代: 公元 1788 年



材質: 黃金

尺寸: 11.5 x 11.5 mm / thick: 1.0~3.0 mm

重量: 3.4 g

來源: 斯賓克拍賣行 2023

這枚金幣屬於「新納加帕蒂南(New Negapatnam type)」型的「波多諾佛(Porto Novo) 」寶塔幣。它由荷蘭東印度公司(VOC)在杜蒂戈林(Tuticorin) 和可倫坡(Colombo)造幣廠於公元1760年至1794年之間鑄造。在蘭卡,它被稱為「帕蘭吉帕塔」(Parangipatta)。

寶塔幣的正面展示了一個站立的毘濕奴的全身像,兩側各有一個脈輪 。在毘濕奴的右側,在他的腰部高處可以看到一個「Lazy J」符號。而背面則呈顆粒狀點。


公元1785 年76.9%可倫坡
公元 1787-1794 年76.9%杜蒂戈林
公元 1783 年70.8%可倫坡
公元 1788 年62.5%杜蒂戈林





根據威廉·斯潘格勒(William Spengler)的說法,「懶惰的J(Lazy J)」這個術語可能源自美國西部的牛文化,並被應用於某些硬幣上的符號。在設計用於標記新生小牛所有權的烙印時,牛主們經常將字母、數字和/或其他符號組合在一起,以確保它們不容易與其他所有者的品牌混淆,也不容易被牛賊篡改。當一個字母、數字或其他符號被呈現成橫放狀態時,就被稱為「懶惰的」。因此,像「J」這樣的字母旋轉90度後被稱為「懶惰的J」。揚·林根(Jan Lingen)聲稱,單枚寶塔幣上的「懶惰的J」呈逆時針旋轉,並且出現在寶塔幣的右側,在神明的臀部高度處。

類似/相同物件 請看:

印度 清奈政府博物館 Government Museum Chennai


Numizm. PAGODA

Spink. Auction: 22120 – Spink Numismatic e-Circular 16: Indian and Islamic Coins – e-Auction Lot: 388

Ceylan – 1764-1794 – Titucorin/Colombo Mint Gold Porto Novo Pagoda

India – 1747-1784 – Negapatnam Mint Gold Porto Novo Pagoda
