Zhonghua Yuanbao

1 Mace & 4.4 Candareens

ROC era 1

Fujian Governor’s Office






Item number: A154

Year: AD 1912

Material: Silver

Size: 12.5 x 12.5 mm

Weight: 1.51 g

Manufactured by: Fujian, Fookien Official Bureau

Provenance: Spink 2023 GmbH 2022

This coin, with a denomination of two dimes “Zhonghua Yuanbao,” was minted by the Fookien Official Bureau in the first year of the Republic of China (AD 1912).

On November 11, AD 1911, in response to the Wuchang Uprising, revolutionaries in Fujian successfully occupied Fuzhou and declared the establishment of the Republic of China Fujian Governor’s Office.

Facing urgent financial needs, the Provincial Department of Finance issued a decree on February 16 of the following year, deciding to mint silver subsidiary coins in denominations of two dimes, one dimes, and five cents.

This urged the Fookien Official Bureau, located at Nantai Cangxiazhou in Fuzhou, to resume its production line of silver coins by shifting its business focus from minting copper coins.

Thanks to the surviving machinery and technology, the Nantai Cangxiazhou factory immediately engaged in the production of silver coins.

In the following February, the obverse featured the “Iron-Blooded Eighteen-Star Flag,” symbolizing the military government, with a central sixteen-petal chrysanthemum engraved with the abbreviation for Fujian Province, “Min,” on the two dimes silver coin.

The upper and lower margins on the obverse were inscribed in English, with “FOO-KIEN” in the Wade-Giles system and “1 MACE AND 4.4 CANDAREENS ” indicating the coin’s value. Four-dot floral stars adorned the left and right sides.

Although there were no significant variations in the design, three variants existed for the English denomination inscription: “4.4,” “44,” and “44.” The latter two were particularly rare.

The reverse side of the coin features a beaded circle, with the inner part inscribed with “Zhonghua Yuanbao” and the character “Min” in the center. On the outer edge of the beaded circle, the inscription “Made by the Fujian Governor’s Office” is present above, while the coin’s value “1 Mace and 4.4 Candareens ” is inscribed below.

Additionally, the characters “Xin Hai” are located on the left and right sides, which often lead outsiders to mistakenly believe the coin was minted in the year AD 1911. However, it was minted in February of AD 1912 and ceased production in the same year, April.

物件編號: A154

年代: 公元 1912 年


尺寸: 12.5 x 12.5 mm

製造地: 福建, 福建官局

來源: 斯賓克拍賣行 2023


幸得機器和技術尚存,南台蒼霞洲廠立即投入銀幣的生產。隔年二月,正面以象徵軍政府「鐵血十八星旗」為主視覺,中央為一朵十六辦菊花,其花蕊處陰刻福建簡稱「閩」字的貳角銀幣出廠。正面的上下緣均署以英文,分別是威妥瑪系統拼寫的「福建」(FOO-KIEN)和幣值「一錢四分四釐」(1 MACE AND  4.4 CANDAREENS),左右兩側飾以四點花星。雖無明顯版別差異,英文面額存有「4.4、44、44.」三種變體,尤以後兩種最為罕見。


類似/相同物件 請看:

臺灣 國立歷史博物館 National Museum of History



林國明 編,《中國近代機制金銀幣目錄》(上海:上海科學技術出版社,2021)


