ROC, ROC Jiazi,

1 Mace & 4.4 Candareens,

ROC era 13, Fookien Mint

Item number: A79

Year: AD 1924

Material: Silver

Size: 23.47 x 23.38 mm

Weight: 5.29 g

Manufactured by: Fujian, Fookien Mint

Provenance: Fuchin Coin 2023

This silver coin is a ” ROC Jiazi “ minted in the 13th year of the Republic of China (AD 1924) at the Fookien Mint located in the western suburbs of Fuzhou, Fujian Province. The coin features inner and outer serrations along the edge.

On the obverse, there are three flags crossing each other, representing, from left to right, the flags of the Beiyang government: the army flag, the national flag, and the navy flag. Above are the English inscriptions “MADE IN FOO-KIEN MINT,” and below are “1 MACE AND 44 CANDAREENS,” corresponding to the mint location and denomination information on the reverse. Floral decorations identical to those on the obverse are also displayed on the reverse side.

On the reverse, there is a beaded circle containing the Chinese regular script characters ” ROC Jiazi ” indicating the sexagenary year of the coin, which is the year of Jiazi. In the centre is a twelve-petal chrysanthemum star-shaped ornament. The upper part of the beaded circle is inscribed with” Made by Fookien Mint “, and the lower part indicates the weight as ” 1 mace 4.4 candareens “, equivalent to ” 2 dimes ” denomination.

This silver coin was minted in the era of warlord rule during the early years of the Republic of China. In the 12th year of the Republic (AD 1923), Sun Chuanfang, a military officer aligned with the Beiyang government, received orders from the central government to take control of Fujian under the title of ” Fujian Military Affairs Supervisor,” gaining significant military and political power in the region.

The following year, in AD 1924, the Jiangsu-Zhejiang War erupted, and Sun led his forces into Zhejiang. In Sun’s absence for three years, the control of Fujian’s military and political affairs fell into the hands of Zhou Yinren, who served as the “Guardian General of Northern Fujian.” During Zhou’s unilateral control, over seven million yuan in cash was seized, and his brother Zhou Yintang took charge of the Fookien Mint. They flagrantly minted substandard currency, including the ” ROC Jiazi ” coin, causing hardship for the local population.

民國 民國甲子


 民國十三年 福建銀幣廠造

物件編號: A79

年代: 公元 1924 年


尺寸: 23.47 x 23.38 mm

重量: 5.29 g

製造地: 福建, 福建銀幣廠

來源: 福君錢幣 2023


正面為三面相互交叉的旗幟,由左至右分別是北洋政府制定的陸軍旗、國旗和海軍旗。上方「MADE IN FOO-KIEN MINT」和下方「1 MACE AND 44  CANDAREENS」英文字樣,分別對應背面的鑄造地和面額訊息。左右兩側各有一花卉裝飾和背面相同。



類似/相同物件 請看:

文化部典藏網 Ministry of Culture



林國明 編,《中國近代機制金銀幣目錄》(上海:上海科學技術出版社,2021)


