Black Aventurine Old venetian fancy

African trade beads


Item number: A51

Year: AD 1880-1930

Material: Black Aventurine glass

Size: 36 x 12.61 mm (per ball)

Weight: 36.18 g

Provenance: Tribal Art Africa 2023

This artefact is a strand of black sandstone glass trade beads that served as currency, traded from Venice to Africa during the period between AD 1880 and AD 1930. 

African trade beads have been widely utilised in trade, decoration, and religious ceremonies. They may be strung into necklaces or bracelets or used to adorn clothing, simultaneously serving as a form of currency in exchange. These beads hold special symbolic significance within African societies, often employed to signify social status, marital status, or religious beliefs

The majority of African trade beads were manufactured by European or Venetian artisans, particularly during the 15th to early 20th centuries. These beads exhibited diverse shapes, colours, and patterns, reflecting the varied preferences and cultural characteristics of the local inhabitants. 

During the era of the slave trade, African trade beads were commonly regarded as a commodity and a form of currency. European traders transported these beads to Africa, engaging in trade with local tribes and nations, involving commodities such as gold, ivory, and timber. Simultaneously, the trade beads were utilised to acquire slaves as labour, hence earning them the moniker “slave beads.” 

Aventurine, a common mineral, represents a variety of quartz characterised by the presence of platy mineral inclusions, causing a sparkling effect known as “aventurescence,” most commonly observed in green hues. Its nomenclature derives from the Italian wordAventura,” signifying chance or occurrence. This stone is cherished for its aesthetic appeal, often employed in ornamentation or jewellery crafting due to its captivating appearance.

物件編號: A51

年代: 公元 1880-1930 年

材料: 黑色砂金石玻璃

尺寸: 36 x 12.61 mm / 粒

重量: 36.18 g

來源: 非洲藝術部落 2023





砂金石(aventurine) 是一種常見的礦物,為石英的一種變體,由於石英中含有片狀礦物質,在光線下會產生閃閃微光,稱作「砂金效應」,以綠色最為常見 。其名來自義大利語Aventura,意為機會、偶然。這種石頭因其美麗的外觀而深受人們喜愛,因此常被用於裝飾或珠寶製作。 

類似/相同物件 請看:

英國 大英博物館 The British Museum

美國 國家歷史博物館 National Museum of American History

