French protectorate of Tunisia

5 francs

Item number: A68

Year: AD 1946

Material: bronze-aluminium

Size: 31.03 x 30.99 mm

Weight: 12.08 g

Provenance: Private Collector, France, 2021

This coin, dating back to the AD 1946, was issued in French Tunisia with a denomination of 5 francs and crafted from aluminum-bronze.

The obverse side features Arabic script, displaying the name of the ruler, “MUHAMMAD AL-AMIN BEY,” the face value of 5 francs, and the minting year indicated in the Islamic calendar as 1365, and flanked by palm and olive branches. On the reverse, it bears the denomination and the inscription “Tunisia French Protectorate,” in French, encircled by a cornucopia motif.

In the backdrop of the Treaty of Ksar Said in AD 1881, Tunisia became a French protectorate, compelled by the Ottoman Empire’s decline, financial difficulties, and the influence of French imperialism. This state of French protection persisted until Tunisia achieved independence in AD 1956.


5 法郎

物件編號: A68

年代: 公元 1946 年

材質: 鋁青銅

尺寸: 31.03 x 30.99 mm

重量: 12.08 g

來源: 法國私人收藏 2021


此枚錢幣的正面為阿拉伯語,標有統治者的姓名「穆罕默德·阿明·貝伊」,此幣的面額5法郎,以及以回曆標示的此幣鑄造年份:回曆1365年,左右兩側飾有棕櫚和橄欖枝。此幣的背面則以法語同樣標示硬幣的面額,此外還刻有「突尼西亞 法國保護國」,周圍有玉米歲環繞著。


