Membership Token of the London Opinion Curio Club


Item number: M104

Year: AD 1901-1914

Material: Ivory

Size: 49.63 x 49.63 mm

Weight: 3.88 g


1. Noonans 2022

2. Bt H. Simmons March 2015

This ivory-crafted token serves as a symbol of membership of the London Opinion Curio Club. On the obverse side, a central kneeling figure is depicted, adorned with a satchel of acquisitions labeled as “Ye Collection,” while the floor bears the inscription “Autolycus.” Positioned above the figure is the inscription “A snapper-up of unconsidered trifles” The outer circumference is encompassed by the phrase “London Opinion Curio Club,” accompanied by the membership number “No.167” at the bottom. On the reverse side, a centrally positioned four-leaf clover is encircled by the club’s address, “107 Regent Street, London. W.” Additionally, an open book with the inscription “The Instinct to Admire the Passion to Acquire” is prominently featured at the bottom of the token.

Ye Collection: your collection

1. A character from “The Winter’s Tale” Shakespeare created, who provides comic relief and contrasts with the more serious and tragic elements of the play. He is a roguish character who engages in deception, theft, and general mischief. Despite his questionable morality, Autolycus ultimately contributes to the play’s resolution and the overall theme of redemption and forgiveness.

2. A character from Greek mythology, son of the god Hermes and the mortal Chione. A cunning and clever figure, renowned for his exceptional skill in theft, often engaging in various acts of trickery. His mythological exploits, including stealing cattle and his connection to the birth of Odysseus, highlight his rogue-like nature and mastery of deception.

The London Opinion Curio Club, for Connoisseurs & Collectors of Antiques was active during the 20th century. A subscription to the Curio Club is set at 10 shillings and 6 pence per annum, payable in advance. Each member is entitled to receive an ivory token, uniquely numbered for identification purposes. Privileges of members include selling items, receiving preliminary advice, and expert opinion to evaluate their collections.

Members desiring to sell items are required to furnish a written description of any article intended for sale, which must be submitted to the Gallery. Upon approval and acceptance, the item can be dispatched at the member’s risk and expense. The owner is advised to insure the item for its full value during both transit and while housed in the Gallery. Alternatively, the management can arrange insurance on behalf of the owner. It is imperative that the owner’s name and address be enclosed in every parcel forwarded.

Preliminary advice will be given to advice Members as to the approximate value of any accepted article, but such advice and opinion will not involve any liability or responsibility on the part of the Management. If expert opinion is required away opinion from the club, it can be obtained at Member’s written request, and will be charged for as moderately as possible, consistently with the employment of a properly qualified valuer. In no case will expert opinion be charged unless the amount of the fee is agreed to by the Member requiring it.

物件編號: M104

年代: 公元 1901-1914 年

材質: 象牙

尺寸: 49.63 x 49.63 mm

重量: 3.88 g

來源: 諾南斯 2022

這枚象牙製的代幣象徵著倫敦觀點古玩俱樂部的會員資格。正面中央描繪了一個跪著的人物,身上裝飾著一個標有“Ye Collection”的收購袋,地板上刻有“Autolycus”的銘文。在人物上方刻有“snapper-up of unconsidered trifles(撿拾被忽視之物之人)”的字樣。外圈被“London Opinion Curio Club(倫敦觀點古玩俱樂部)”包圍,底部附有會員編號“No.167”。反面,中央為四葉草圖案,被倫敦觀點古玩俱樂部的地址“倫敦W區107 Regent Street”包圍。此外,代幣底部展示了一本刻有“The Instinct to Admire the Passion to Acquire (欣賞的本能,獲取的熱情)”的打開的書。

Ye Collection: 你的收藏

1. 《冬夜的故事》是莎士比亞創作的一部戲劇,其中的一個角色名叫奧托里庫斯,他為劇情提供了喜劇緩解,與劇中更為嚴肅和悲劇性的元素形成對比。他是一個狡詐的角色,從事欺騙、偷竊和一般惡作劇。儘管他的道德行為可疑,但最終奧托利克斯為劇情的發展和整體的救贖與寬恕主題做出了貢獻。

2. 希臘神話中的一個角色,是信使荷米斯和凡人喀俄涅的兒子。奧托里庫斯以其卓越的偷竊技巧而聞名,是一個狡猾聰明的角色,經常參與各種詭計行為。他的神話事蹟,包括偷牛和與奧德修斯的出生有關,突顯了他流氓般的本質和對欺騙的掌握。





Steppes Hill Farm Antiques. Edwardian Ivory Membership Token The London Opinion Curio Club

The Internet Archive. Sales catalogue: The “London Opinion” Curio Club

The Internet Archive. The ABC of collecting old English china
