Regular supporter,

Manchukuo Red Cross Society Member Medal, Later type

(Full Size)



Item number: M92

Year: AD 1938

Material: Silver Plated Copper

Size: Medal 30.28 x 48.54 / Ribbon 39.40 x 36.68 mm

Weight: 15.24 g

Provenance: Quan Jian Zhai 2022

This medal is the “Manchukuo Red Cross Society Member Medal” awarded by the Manchukuo Red Cross in AD 1938 (Kangde Era 5). It was conferred to the service personnel and sponsors of the organization who provided material and financial support.  This medal belongs to the basic grade –Regular supporter, and there are three grades based on the degree of sponsorship and contribution. (See the table below)

Grades of medal
Honorary supporter
Special supporter
Regular supporter

The overall design of the medal is modeled after the design of the Japanese Red Cross Member Badge and is made of silver-plated copper. On the obverse side, there is a red enameled Red Cross symbol, though the paint has faded. Surrounding the Red Cross are two clusters of orchids, symbolizing the Manchukuoan royal family. On the reverse side, there is the inscription “Kangde Era 5, October 1, Manchukuo Red Cross Society.” The ribbon of the medal is red with two yellow stripes on each side as decoration. The early version of the Regular supporter medal also had a rosette decoration on the ribbon. The ribbon for women was designed with a bow.

The “Manchukuo Red Cross Society,” officially known as the “Manchukuo Red Cross Society Incorporated,” had its headquarters in Xinjing, the capital of Manchukuo (now Changchun City). Established on October 1, AD 1938 (Kangde Era 5), the organization operated in collaboration with the Manchukuo government, the Kwantung Army, and the Japanese Red Cross Society. The position of president was held by Zang Shiyi, the chairman of the Manchukuo Senate, while the chairman was a Japanese individual, Toshiwaza Miura. Local branches were supervised by the respective mayors or county governors.

物件編號: M92

年代: 公元 1938 年

材質: 銅鍍銀

尺寸: 徽章 30.28 x 48.54 / 綬帶 39.40 x 36.68mm

重量: 15.24 g

來源: 泉鑒齋 2022



獎章的整體設計仿照日本赤十字社社員章的設計,其材質為銅鍍銀。正面有一個紅色琺瑯塗裝的紅十字標記,然而該物件的塗料已經褪色。紅十字兩側環繞著象徵滿洲國皇室的兩束蘭花,背面則是「康德五年十月一日 滿洲國赤十字社」字樣。獎章的綬帶為紅底,兩側各有兩道黃色條紋裝飾。初期型的正贊助級獎章,其綬帶還有一朵蝴蝶結裝飾。女性的綬帶則為一蝴蝶結設計。

「滿洲國赤十字社」全稱為「社團法人滿洲國赤十字社」,總部設於滿洲國首都新京(今 長春市)。在滿洲國政府、關東軍及日本赤十字社的合作基礎上,該組織於公元1938年(康德5年)10月1日正式成立。總裁一職,由滿洲國參議府議長臧式毅出任,理事長則是日本人三浦敏事。地方的支部,則由當地的市長獲縣長兼任。

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典藏台灣 Taiwan Digitalarchives

Medals of Asia website

