Order of the Golden kite, 7th Class

(full size, with case)



Item number: M105

Year: AD 1890-1947

Material: Silver

Size: case 88.67 x 61.31 x 28.07 / order 43.19 x 55.54 / ribbon 52.33 x 36.92 mm

Weight: case 47.0 / order 35.12 g

Provenance: Quan Jian Zhai 2022

The Order of the Golden Kite was a distinctive military order conferred by the Empire of Japan, specifically recognizing courage, leadership, or command prowess in combat. Established on February 12, AD 1890, by Emperor Meiji in commemoration of Emperor Jimmu, the mythical first Emperor of Japan, this imperial order held a significant status in the hierarchy of Japanese honors, only under the Grand Order of the Chrysanthemum. It was often considered analogous to the military division of the Order of the Bath in the United Kingdom.

Following the conclusion of the Second World War, in AD 1947, pursuant to directives from the Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers (SCAP) stationed in Japan, the Order of the Golden Kite was formally abolished.

Typically, the design of this order features a golden kite perched atop an octagonal star, adorned with 32 red enamel rays. Below the kite, there are two crossed shields made of blue enamel, along with two crossed yellow-handled spears, each bearing a flag, with red enamel.

This medal belongs to the 7th class; therefore, it is a simplified, detail-omitted rendition in silver.

The Golden Kite is a mythical golden bird, possibly a bird of prey, mentioned in the “Nihon Shoki” (Chronicles of Japan). According to the narrative, this bird guided Emperor Jimmu in the establishment of Japan.

According to legend, during Emperor Jimmu’s eastern campaign against Nagasunehiko, when he found himself in a disadvantageous situation, the weather abruptly changed. At that moment, a golden kite alighted upon Emperor Jimmu’s bow, emitting a dazzling radiance that turned the tide in favor of Emperor Jimmu’s forces, ultimately leading to victory.

物件編號: M105

年代: 公元 1890-1947 年


尺寸: 盒 88.67 x 61.31 x 28.07 / 勳章 43.19 x 55.54 / 勳帶 52.33 x 36.92 mm

重量: 盒 47.0 / 勳章 35.12 g

來源: 泉鑒齋 2022

金鵄勳章是大日本帝國授予的一個專門的軍事勳章,授予在戰鬥中的勇氣、領導或指揮能力,由日本明治天皇於公元1890 年2 月12 日「為了紀念日本羅慕盧斯神武天皇」而設立的日本帝國勳章。此勳章被視為僅次於大勳位菊花章,有時被認為類似於英國巴斯勳章的軍事部門,第二次世界大戰後的公元1947年,根據駐日盟軍總司令的指示,金鵄勳章被廢除。 



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Admiral Osami Nagano Official Portrait c1940 – PICRYL – Public Domain Media Search Engine Public Domain Search
