Commemorative Medal for the Second Anniversary

of the Provisional Government Of The Republic of China, Cupronickel

(Full Size)




Item number: M90

Year: AD 1939

Material: Cupronickel

Size: Case 76.15 x 46.95 x 16.43 / Medal 24.44 x 32.86 mm

Weight: Case 9.26 / Medal 8.67 g

Manufactured by: Dalian and Fengtian (Shenyang), Mori Yoko Workshop

Provenance: Quan Jian Zhai 2022

This item is a commemorative medal issued by the puppet government, the “Provisional Government of the Republic of China,” established by Japan in North China during the Sino-Japanese War, to celebrate the second anniversary of its establishment in AD 1939 (28th year of the Republic of China).

The medal’s appearance is circular, and it exists in two versions distinguished by the materials used: cupronickel or silver.  This item is the cupronickel version. The back of the wooden box bears the hallmark of the manufacturer, Mori Yoko, headquartered in Dalian and Fengtian (now Shenyang). This manufacturer was also contracted for medals in Manchukuo. On the obverse of the medal, the upper part showcases the Chinese national flag, commonly known as the five-color flag during the early period of the Republic of China, with the Chinese characters for “Commemoration” in the centre, surrounded by ears of wheat on both sides. The reverse side bears the inscription “Republic of China, Year 28, Commemorating the Second Anniversary of the Establishment of the Provisional Government of the Republic of China, December 14th.”

After the Marco Polo Bridge Incident in AD 1937, China and Japan engaged into full-scale warfare. By the end of July of the same year, the key city in Northern China, Beiping (now Beijing), had fell under Japanese control. The Japanese forces controlling Beiping, known as the “North China Area Army,” approached Wang Kemin, who had previously served in the Beiyang government. On December 14, AD 1937, Wang Kemin and the puppet regime known as the “Republic of China Provisional Government” were established in Beiping, assisting the Japanese in controlling regions such as Hebei, Shanxi, Shandong, Beiping, and Tianjin. With the establishment of the “Wang Jingwei National Government,” a puppet regime supported by Japan, in Nanjing in AD 1940, the “Provisional Government” was reorganized into the “North China Political Affairs Committee” under Nanjing’s jurisdiction but retained practical autonomy until Japan’s defeat in AD 1945.

物件編號: M90

年代: 公元 1939 年

材質: 白銅

尺寸: 盒 76.15 x 46.95 x 16.43 / 徽章 24.44 x 32.86 mm

重量: 盒 9.26 / 徽章 8.67 g

製造地: 大連和奉天(瀋陽), 森洋行

來源: 泉鑒齋 2022


該獎章外觀為圓形,有白銅和銀兩種版本,此物件為白銅版木盒的背面能依稀看到製造商,總部在大連和奉天(今 瀋陽)的森洋行字戳,該製造商亦有承包滿洲國的獎章。獎章正面,上方是以五色旗為代表的中國國旗,中間為中文字「紀念」其兩側被麥穗環繞。背面則寫上「中華民國二十八年 中華民國臨時政府成立兩周年紀念 十二月十四日」字樣。

公元1937年七七事變後,中日兩國進入全面開戰。同年七月底,華北重鎮北平(今 北京)陷入日軍控制,控制北平的日軍「華北方面軍」找到在北洋政府服務過的王克敏。公元1937年12月14日,王克敏為首的「中華民國臨時政府」魁儡政權在北平宣布成立,協助日軍控制河北、山西、山東、北平和天津等地。隨著公元1940年日本扶植的「汪精衛國民政府」在南京成立,「臨時政府」改制為受南京管轄的「華北政務委員會」,卻實際保有自主性,直到公元1945年日本戰敗為止。

