The Zeal And Devotion Medal

(Full Size,With Case), Oscar II

Item number: M64

Year: AD 1850

Material: Gold

Size: case 500 x 62 / medal 64.98 x 43.31 / ribbon 36.33 x 500 mm

Weight: case 56.77 / medal 55.07 g

Manufactured by: Stockholm, C.F. Carlman

Provenance: Liverpool Medals 2022

In the year AD 1803, King Charles XIII of Sweden established the Medal of “For Zealous and Devoted service of the Realm” (För nit och redlighet i rikets tjänst). Public servants who have served in government positions for at least thirty years and are recommended by their respective agencies are eligible for this award.

From the years AD 1803/1830/1857/1947/1968/1973/1974, the awards were presented by the king in the respective years mentioned. Subsequently, through legislative amendments, the responsibility for these awards has been transferred to the Swedish government, and the name has been changed to the Medal of “The distinction for Zealous and Devoted service of the Realm” (Utmärkelsen för nit och redlighet i rikets tjänst). Interestingly, since AD 1968, recipients have the option to choose between the medal or a gold watch as their reward. Later, the option of colored glass was also added.

This medal was awarded by King Oscar II of the United Kingdoms of Sweden and Norway in AD 1857 and is crafted from 23K gold. The obverse side features an inscription indicating the king’s title in both Latin and Swedish; this description pertains to the Swedish version. At the lower left side of the portrait of the king, the name of the portrait’s creator, Lea Fredrika Ahlborn, is engraved. Lea Fredrika Ahlborn was a renowned Swedish sculptor and a member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Arts. Notably, she was the first woman appointed as the Royal printmaker and participated in designing medals during the reign of Oscar II.

The reverse side of the medal is encircled with the complete name of the medal, For Zealous and Devoted service of the Realm“. Below the oak leaf wreath in the center, the name and service achievements of the awardee are engraved. The second line from the top bears the name of the awardee, Wilhelm Virgin. In smaller text below, his former official positions are inscribed, including Colonel, Regional Board Member, and Director of the Testament Certification Office in Kopparberg County.

The medal also features a crown-shaped suspension and a suspension ring. The trademark on the suspension ring and the lining of the black storage box clearly indicate the manufacturer as the C.F. Carlman company. Established in AD 1855 by Carl Frederik Carlman in the capital city of Stockholm, the company gained renown for its exquisite craftsmanship. Subsequently, it successfully handled Sweden’s medal business from AD 1875 to 1904, expanding its operations to other European countries, including France and Norway.

The black storage box bears the Swedish royal coat of arms and the inscription “Swedish Royal Society Pro Patria.” In addition to housing the medal, the box also accommodates the medal’s ribbon. The ribbon’s color scheme is inspired by the Swedish national flag, featuring a blue background with a yellow stripe on each side.




物件編號: M64

年代: 公元 1850 年

材質: 黃金

尺寸: 盒 500 x 62 / 獎章 64.98 x 43.31 / 綬帶 36.33 x 500 mm

重量: 盒 56.77 / 獎章 55.07 g

製造地: 斯德哥爾摩, C.F. Carlman公司

來源: 利物浦獎章 2022

公元1803年,時任瑞典國王卡爾十三世創立「熱誠和奉獻服務獎章」(För nit och redlighet i rikets tjänst)。公家單位服務至少三十年的公務員,經由所屬機關推薦皆有獲獎的資格。

公元1803/1830/1857/1947/1968/1973/1974年,由國王受理上述年份的頒獎。此後經過修法,當前已改由瑞典政府負責相關職責,名字也被調整為「熱誠和奉獻服務的榮譽獎章」(Utmärkelsen för nit och redlighet i rikets tjänst)。有趣的是,公元1968年起,得獎人能自行決定以獎章或金錶作為獎勵,後續還新增彩繪玻璃選項。


獎章的背面,周圍刻上「熱誠和奉獻服務獎章」的完整獎章名稱。位於中間的橡樹葉花圈下方,刻有受獎者的名字和服務事蹟。從上面數來的第二行字,是獲獎者的名字威廉‧維京(Wilhelm Virgin)。下方較小的文字,刻著其曾服務的公職頭銜,中校、地區董事會成員及科帕伯格縣遺囑認證辦公室主任。

獎章還有王冠狀懸掛跟一個懸掛環。懸掛環的商標跟黑色收納盒的內襯,皆清楚標示生產商為C.F. Carlman公司。公元1855年,該公司由Carl Frederik Carlman創建於首都斯德哥爾摩。公司以其精湛的手藝,後續成功包辦瑞典在公元1875至1904年間的勳章生意,業務還拓展到法國跟挪威等歐洲國家。


類似/相同物件 請看:

瑞典 格蘭納博物館 Grenna Museum

瑞典 鐵路博物館 Swedish Railway Museum


Jeffrey R.Jacob, Court Jewelers of the World (New Jersey: Postgraduate International, 1978)

Borna Barac, Reference Catalogue Orders Medals and Decorations of the World : instituted until 1945 : Part III Bronze Book G-P (Craotia:OBOL d.o.o. Zagreb, 2013)

Lieutenant-Colonel Christian Braunstein, Decorations on Swedish military uniforms (Stockholm:Fredsbasker Förlaget, 2007)
